Star Trek 2x25 The Omega Glory

She could be in Star Fleet. She’s within the 7.6 cm margin.

Well, Spock has met his future self so he know’s what’s gonna happen.
Oh… wait. Sorry wrong timeline. My bad.

How do you like that flip?

And Spock neck pinches the lady!! SUH-weet!

Who the frak is that actress?! I’d kill for a body like that.

Oh Spock- Try to reason with them!

McCoy checkin out the midriff Kohms chica! HA!

McCoy’s got an eye for the ladies. She’s probably 3000 years old, but still hot.

Taylor! You can speak!!

“Freedom. That is our worship word.”
My fav line.

It’s why we love him :wink:

So when they say that “they” look like the Yangs, they totally exclude Sulu from any concept of “them.” quite depressing, actually.

freedom! the key to it all.

You and me both, sistah. Has Spock taught you the neck pinch yet?

Shhhh, you and your Planet of the Ape talk.:smiley:

“The Yellow Civilization”?

Ah, the '60s were a magical time. :frowning:

Never turn your back on the White devil! Aw, poor Cap’n Kirk.

Sweaty Kirk is sweaty.

And betrayed Kirk is betrayed…

can’t argue with that kind of logic :smiley:

And it’s Brooke Shields and Dr Fang again…

Tell ya what. You ladies put on that loin cloth outfit and…well get where I’m going with that.

God, I hate waking up in the sand with a headache!

LOL! I was going for something a bit more coherent, but I was distracted by the action. :smiley: