Find the time to watch it. A lot of fun surprises in it.
Nice. End the nite in the gutter.
Nite all.
You’re just saying that because of the sorryBarb scene.
I’ve never gotten around to watching any of those. We should frak 'em sometime…
kidding!! there’s an episode of Angel with that plot, and it’s called “Harm’s Way”
Sorry, Thot!
That fraking Security Chief blows it again?! That off screen guy should have his own show.
Oh, taking advantage of my Whedon virginity are ya?
gah! Lost in Space on Bio Channel! Damn the hub! No sleep for me, yet!
I’m comin’ Robby!
waves arms Danger! Danger!
Oh, we definity should.
Omg, awesome stuff. I mean, crap compared to Star Trek of course, but yeah I watched Lost in Space religiously.
LOL! I’ve got the 1st season on DVD…Lost in Space Rocks!
You bubble-headed booby!
omgs they just did a montage of those! LOL!
Ouch!!! Hey, that hurts!!! That’s a fraking hammer violation!
checking out, now. must force myself to sleep (not too hard akshully)
Roger Raptor 1, system shutdown, prep for morning launch.
night night ms kitty!
Goodnight All! It’s been an honor.
You’ve heard me talk before about how I used to run a Star Trek: Role Play Game (the FASA system).
One of the better pre-packaged scenarios was this one:
We played it early on in the span of years we did the RPG, and It’s pretty cool. The players wind up actually going aboard the Doomsday device which is fun.
Today I happened to be to looking for something on an old back up drive and I ran across a couple things. In the more latter years of doing ST RPG, I created this whole adventure arc where the players (the crew of the USS Republic) found themselves going through a wormhole the brought them clear to the opposite side of the galaxy. Unlike the DS9 wormwhole, this one only opened every 48 days (or something). At the other side of the wormhole they come across a frakin huge monstrosity called “The Citadel of Loquar” (see picture below (created by me)). As you can see it has several Doomsday devices connected to it, and mysteriously, three “slots” where three of those Doomsday devices are missing. Bottomline, is I had my own backstory of what these Doomsday weapons were invented for and what their purpose was.
We didn’t get far enough in the adventure arc to make use of it, but as you can seen below I found this Star Fleet Battles sheet depicting the Doomsday device so it could be used in a space battle.
Ah, would that I was younger and had the time to devote to this kind of stuff like I used to.
Thot, my friend, you frakking ROCK.