Star Trek (2008) - New Trailer

can’t wait!!! :smiley:

sharing some music with y’all

“I’ll do it in three.”

“All cadets report for duty.”

This movie is going to rock so much…

Aw frak. Tried to embed the above vids, but they’re either removed or disabled. Because you wouldn’t want your FRAKIN’ COMMERCIAL to go viral, right?

Have to click on the link guys and girls.

Did any of you see the speical clip from the Star Trek movie that they played during com break of last night’s Lost?
I was just Kirk getting chased on a snow covered world by a pretty nasty looking monster.

heh heh heh–report for duty…heh heh heh

Kirk si smooooth as hell

Kirk is my new hero. :smiley:

This has all happened before…


You saying I’m becoming like you, Talos, and Thot? :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe so…

Woah…What? You mean Pike, Talos and I are the Final Three. Which of us is Tory? :eek:

Wait? So I’m a final four?? Well frak I’m Anders! :cool:

Talos you can be Tory! :smiley: