Star Trek 2 - Did anybody want to see a khan?

On hearing the rumour going crazy of Khan casting…with Del Torro being the front runner; did trek fans really want the new Star Trek movie to have Khan in it? Don’t you think that there are a lot more stories for. New trek rather than retreading old ground?

I am not saying Khan should never reappear, I just think Pine and crew need to be given a few movies before the eugenics beast is presented.

Surely one things for sure Benedict Cumberbatch surely can’t be him!

What you all reckon?

From your friendly neighbourhood Munch-Man!

I agree. There are many more stories that could be explored before Khaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

This is a new universe. Who says the ship Khan was on even survived?

There are a million other stories to do.

Welcome Munch-Man!

I did not want to see Khan. I think there are tons of stories left to tell in the Trekverse. I thot using Khan for the next film would have been lazy. I really liked that they are choosing to tackle Original Series stories in comics with the Star Trek: Ongoing series.

Actually, I think Cumberbatch could play Khan. His portrayal of Sherlock Holmes is amazing and I think he could pull off matching wits with Kirk. Personally, I hope Cumberpatch plays a rogue Starfleet captain bent on conquest and the story exploits how the Federation will be without the Vulcan influence. How can the Federation survive without its logical brain trust? Abrams and crew have departed from the Roddenberry-esqe universe of a humanity that escaped destroying itself and emerged a “perfect” society. The Abrams-verse seems more focused on how the Federation pioneered. Both are focused on humanity’s weakness and strengths.

Thanks Frak,

Pleasure to be aboard!

Don’t get me wrong I think Cumberbatch is but awesome…he’s shear ability to receipt monologue in Holmes is nothing but amazing…

He is definitely in tune to play a genius, perhaps a Vulcan…but I suppose he has the intellect for Khan, but he just isn’t Khanish in look! More a androidy feel, rumour is some big corporation is involved in the storyline with Robocop him self as the pres, could they create a new form of artificial life that wants to run Amok (yes pun was intended)

I think the Klingons are due a JJ re imagining, something more savage…a war would just what the Dr ordered…

Whatever happens it is gonna be awesome in scope and spectacal! This first movie nailed trek on every level for Trekkies and new comers a like!

The first one had me when the hull of the first ship exploded throwing the women out into cold hard space…and there was just silence! It totally had me from there…sad I know!

From your friendly neighbourhood Munch-Man!


Someone on reddit posted a story idea for a JJ Abrams Khan movie that sounded like it could be good:

I propose Cumberbatch plays Spock’s emotion embracing brother, pushed over the edge by the death of his family and the destruction of Vulcan. Tonight’s Moriarty will be played by Sherlock Holmes! He could be angry at the Romulans, at the ineffectual Federation.

It would keep JJ from trying to do too much, too fast, and watering down the Universe. And it would obviously be more serial, which is just one more hook to draw in fans of the first movie.

I like the angry Vulcan idea…at least it will continue the arc of the first film…

Let’s be fair the destruction of Vulcan should not be taken lightly, it was actually shocking that JJ done it…then again he did make up for it by dissembling Wynona Ryder lol…Nice…

I think that’s a good call!

From your friendly neighbourhood Munch-Man!


You can have a look at the angry Vulcan response in the Star Trek ongoing comics that are coming out. Roberto Orci (producer/writer for Trek) is the creative consultant and has said that these can serve as a “prequels for the sequel”. Plus there are supposed to be hints at what happens in the next movie in the comics.

Personally, I would like to have seen Khan. It was not a necessity, but I would like to see what they would have done with it and how this Kirk would have handled the augmented humans issue.

I might check those comics out are the on digital or just cover? I might check comixology…

I would eventually like to see Khan but I think he’s a villain that needs abit of a build up, and Kirk needs to earn his stripes first!

I loved the first Trek (09), but let’s be fair Kirk got his Captaincy rather quickly, one minute your a cadet, next Captain…okay we ll let that slide…I feel that next movie he should have to Provo that he’s the great officer everyone expects him to be, once proven bring the biggest foe Earth has ever known, even use the end of the second movie to set up Khan in some way…

Let’s have Kirk cut his teeth defending Earth against he Klingons! Revamp them and make them cool again…vicious even…Predator style!

From your friendly neighbourhood Munch-Man!


Yeah, they should do it!!

I had the idea of (for some strange reason, a one armed Khan).
Go with me on this.
It ties in with the Enterprise Augments episodes.
The Klingons go looking for Khan, (figuring that the “Original untainted” stock could be worked with better, to again “Fortify klingon warriors”)
They capture and torture Khan (hence missing arm)
Khan escapes with the survivors (during the time when Nero has been captured)
Khan uses the chaos created with Nero’s ship (this is the harder part since there was supposed to be a battle with klingon ships and Nero’s ship, supposedly 18 klingon ships were destroyed)
With the Klingon fleet losing that many ships, Khan carves himself a small but powerful Empire within the Klingon Empire.
Shoot forward to current Captain Kirk’s time, we have Khan and Kirk meet as Khan is heading back to Earth to “restart” the human race upon the “perfect genetic pathway”.
Big fleet battles, some 23rd century Eugenics supporters onboard the ship.

I for sure don’t want to see Khan in the 2nd movie. If they want to stick him in a comic book prequel (as the did with V’Ger) that’s fine. But not on the big scene.

They did a really smart thing is Star Trek 09 by changing the timeline and thereby allowing new stories. So I say, be creative and do the best story you can with the characters of Kirk and Spock. And be original.

In interviews with Abrams and Lindeloft I know they take serious what the stakes are with this 2nd movie. They need an Empire Strikes Back (that’s the words they’ve used). So let’s see that. In the first movie we got the reboot of the time line and the hero origin stories of Kirk and Spock …and a little bit of Kirk and Spock together action.

Kirk and Spock together are unstoppable (no put intended). Let’s see a whole movie with them together doing their thing.

By they way, welcome to the Forum Munchie!
You seem like a Star Trek fan. You’re in good company here at GWC.
I’d be interested in knowing your Star Trek history:
Which series was your first? Did you watch as a kid? Games? Conventions?
Inquiring minds what to know :slight_smile:

Thanks that ThotFallGuy,

There some great ideas here you reckon we could send them to BadRobot…to little to late really lol, to be honest have faith in the team…the second movie will great…

Well you want to check my Trek Cred… Lol

Well started watching TNG as a kid, used to tape every episode and re watch them, was a massive fan from day dot…after my appetite was wet by those I delved into the Original series, even though it was a massive jump back in terms of style I like the vision Rodenberry was trying to convey in such a turbulent time of social upheaval! From there I went to DS9, was a big fan, it had a rocky start but by the time it hit season 4 it just got better and better! The introduction of the Dominion and the Shapeshifters was the most well handled introduction of a enemy in Trek in my opinion…considering that show built the enemies from the ground up so it were! It was simply the most awesome arc in Trek series history!

I then chronologically moved on to Voyager,as it aired, I like how they tried to return to exploration but I felt that show lost its way (no pun intended). I fel that the threw the Borg in to the mix to save but in doing so watered down there threat…lets all be fair they were not the Borg of Worf 359 or the ose in First Contact, if they were the same they would have torn Voyager a new one…even though I do like saying the word Chakotay…lol. Janeway never had me, and her command style change depending on the time of the month (pun intended)…I thought overall when Voyager ended it was not he spectacal that I thought It should have been! It whimpered out…

Enterprise, I was psyched when I heard Scott Backular got the captain role, I loved Quantum Leap, but as much as I liked him I think the fact the continuity of the show didn’t really fit with the future that had already been established! Even the war arc they tried to establish didn’t blow me a way and you would have fault Florida being ripped apart and a war would have cropted up…and let’s be fair was there an ending to that show, worst rap up ever! Come on did it really need a holodeck Riker/Troy episode, it deserved better than that!

Convention wise I have been to one, that was at the royal Albert hall in London in the 90s, tried to go to one in Wembley but the company went into liquidation the day of the convention, that was a sad trip on the underground in my Star Trek uniform lol, so I am not a diligent hardcore fan but I believe I know abit more than the average joe…my pic is actually from my stag doo where I was forced to where a star trek dress and my 12 mates wore uniforms…in Las Vegas, trust me it was a site to behold!

Wow this is like a badly worded and punctuated essay!

What about you peeps? What’s your opinions on the various incarnations?

From your friendly neighbourhood Munch-Man!


I thought Ricardo Montalbam (sp?) did a great job in both the TOS episode, and the Movie. I do not wish to see another Kahn. Come on writers!! you have a new universe to do almost anything, why do you feel the need to re-hash old stories.

LOL. Wasn’t questioning your Star Trek Cred (though I can see you’ve got tons of it).

I’ve given my take on the various Star Trek series again and again on various threads on this forum, but for your benefit I’ll repeat.

I’m a bit older than you I expect. I watched TOS in reruns when I was kid and read tons of Star Trek novels …etc. etc. so suffice to say I was already a huge Star Trek fan by the time Star Trek The Motion Picture hit the big screen. Like you, I also VCR-taped every ep of TNG and watched then as they aired.
Aside from TOS (even I’m not THAT old), I watched all the Star Treks series as they aired.

I think a majority of GWCers say that DS9 is their fav Star Trek. But while I find it an enjoyable very well done show, it’s missing that big element that I love about Star Trek: the idea of a Captain and crew out in space, well, Trekking through the Stars.

I’ve got boxes of Star Trek stuff in my attic…read so many ST novels. Got all kinds of ship deck plans, games, you name it.

When Enterprise ended, I, like most of the culture, got the feeling that Star Trek was kinda on its last steam. From then on I viewed it as this fun thing from my past, …put away in storage.

Then of course, along came GWC, and a chance to dust it off and geek out again. It’s been an unexpected pleasure :smiley: