Star Trek 1x23 A Taste of Armageddon


Tuesday, April 14, 2009
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
4 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
5 AM (WED) Germany
12 PM (WED) Seoul
2 PM (WED) Melbourne

“Aye, the haggis is in the fire for sure.”

View the entire episode online HERE.

So here we are running late as usual :wink:

come on, cas! starting before :15 would be breaking with Tradition!

:15 it is.

aaaaaaaaaaaaand go!

quite true. but if someone were to go on the scheduled time… well I would find that amusing. :slight_smile:

another Federation official in a weird outfit

and surprise! he’s an asshat

Uhura doesn’t even bother to pull down her skirt now. What an awful Vulcan laundry department.


something that unites all trek!

LMsBO!! :smiley: Speaking of hats…

Scotty is in command! :cool:

Um what’s up with that toga thing. No support. Not coolness.

From what 'Talos said with some the early episodes, the costumes shrank over the course of shooting the show. One of the drawbacks of velour uniforms. :slight_smile:

Forget the togas. What’s up with the hats?

So why do all these other planets call themselves name “seven” or name “five” when they are native to the planet in question? It’s not like we call Earth “Sol Three” or something like that. It’s just Earth. Curious.

sure am missing Mr Memory Alpha’s pop-up videoesque tidbits. thanks for stepping in, Mr B!

How hot is Yeoman Tamura? :wink:

I wonder what possible internal rationale there could be for the two color pants.

So confuzzling. Is this Wargames?