Star Trek 1x13 The Conscience of the King

All that red shirt-wearing makes 'em scared of the light

Nichelle Nichols is so dope.

Good catch

Global Warming has become Universal Warming

Logic is not enough? It is when somebody’s trying to kill you!

News Flash: This just in.

More on conquered Vulcan. It is contradicted in ‘The Immunity Syndrome’ when Spock states that Vulcan has never been conquered.

Thank you Memory Alpha.

Did the actor playing Kodos ever do anything else? He really grabbed my attention, even when I was a kid. Powerful speech.

All kiddin’ aside they were trying to show the difference between night and day on a starship. Still need that being human.

The Vulcans that did not accept Surak’s teaching’s of peace left the planet and went on to colonize and create the Romulan Empire

Played Prospero on Broadway

Kirk: My dad was a Starship caption for 18 minutes and he saved 800 lives including mine

and an amazing voice

Ah, I missed that. Good point.

McCoy and his big mouth.

Interesting. Thanks, 'Talos.

Happened with Khan also. He really needs his own office.

Deathmatch Challenge: Mel Gibson Hamlet vs. Kenneth Branaugh Hamlet

I’ve seen this so many times and I’m still on the edge of my seat. It is a well done episode.

According to my Enterprise Deck Plans, the CMO does have his own office.
(I’m such a geek)

I remember cracking up when I saw the aliens from the Simpsons, Kodos and Kang.