Star Trek 1x03 The Corbomite Maneuver


Tuesday, February 10th, 2009
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
3 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
4 AM (WED) Germany
12 PM (WED) Seoul
2 PM (WED) Melbourne

“Your recorder marker has been destroyed. You have been examined.
Your ship must be destroyed. We make assumption you have a deity
or deities or some such belief which comfort you. We therefore grant
you ten Earth time periods known as minutes to make preparations.”

View the entire episode online HERE.

The scotch that night will be tranya. I hope you relish it as much as I do.


From Memory Alpha, the free Star Trek reference

[i]Tranya was an orange to pink-colored beverage originating from the First Federation, usually served very cold. It was first discovered by the Federation in 2266, when Balok served it to officers of the USS Enterprise. (TOS: “The Corbomite Maneuver”)

Tranya would later be a major export of the First Federation. Curzon Dax was particularly fond of the drink, and it was stocked in Quark’s on Deep Space 9. (DS9: “Facets”)

The tranya that Balok served the crew was, in fact, grapefruit juice, which young Clint Howard absolutely hated. He said in an interview that he had to work very hard at making it look like he actually liked it. "The Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner" implies that tranya can be an addictive beverage and that Balok had developed a bit of a drinking problem. However, this is obviously not canonical.[/i]

(space/nautical tweeting noise). Permission to come aboard?

Granted. turns on the viewscreen screen whirs

Uhura, open hailing frequencies.

Yes, Captain.

Captain, does my uniform really have to be this short? It barely covers my sorryBarb! :stuck_out_tongue:

Quiet Uhura. You’ll get kissed by Kirk in the 3rd season. And then he’ll frak you in 2009.

As stated previously, the scotch tonite will be tranya.

Have you seen him in 2009? Figures. :mad::smiley:

have we started yet?

We tried pants in the other pilot, mini-skirts got us a series. So sit there and look pretty. If you could turn and show your profile to the camera. Thanx doll. Or is it toots?

All right then. How bout you get to frak Chris Pine in 2009?

Nope. 10:15?

I have. Right now.

Spock is still yelling

What’s “babycakes” in Swahili? :smiley:



If you are any other women officers get scared, the navigator will hold your hand:

Speaking of Uhura? Grrr, baby!

Notice how the uniforms haven’t shrunk yet.

don’t care for uhura in the gold uniform

Oh. Alrighty then. How soon? :stuck_out_tongue:

You should talk Spock. You wuz screaming before. Now you all cool in the captain’s chair.