I liked Pulaski also, especially in this episode. I liked the way they played the old flame thing.
“Our feelings are what make us all human.”
That’s pretty insensitive, considering that she’s half-alien.
I always wanted to work in an environment like that. Think about it. You spend more time at work than you do at home. The people in your workplace do become a little like a family. Truth is, it’s a professional / sensitivity training / back-biting / two-faced family. Hmmm…
Pulaski’s outfit is nicer than the other uniforms
I also like her speech needling RikerDad about having to resort to physical force to resolve conflict with his own son
Trek never addressed that. Everyone acts human in Trek.
Babylon 5 tried to push that envelope with the Shadows and Vorlons.
It’s kinda hard to achieve because you want the audience (humans) to relate to the characters.
OMG love the way Worf said “wesley crusher” lol!
That’s exactly the kind of environment I work in.
Trust me, it’s not always what it’s cracked up to be. :rolleyes:
I totally relate to Riker not wanting his own command. First officer of the Enterprise is a pretty good gig.
oh progressivist rhetoric… sigh.
and sweeping generalizations about gender!
ouch and ouch.
Definitely. Being a power behind the throne has its benefits.
Michael Dorn does a great job with inflection. It adds so much to the character.
The Soap-box device. Very dangerous. AKA…WRAP-IT-UP!
He didn’t like to lose.
This is why Kirk’s son hated him. Briefly.
Riker’s such a punk baby.
… and now he’s not.
Very much a “meh” episode.
Like 'talos said, basically two B-stories (and a C), with nothing compelling enough to be interesting.
Wait 'til he checks the holodeck logs and who’s been in there. wink wink Pulaski and Kyle running the jungle gym program.
Well, there was the cool painstik moment.
About that, as a kid I didn’t really delve into the whole Klingon pain and sex thing. That is some pretty freaky stuff. Come to think of it, them Vulcans get pretty violent as well. Hmmmm…
I prefer the Stargate version. :eek:
Whereas humans just do face-smushing and that’s it.
This is why sex with aliens happens so often.
You freak.
Whereas humans just do face-smushing and that’s it.
This is why sex with aliens happens so often.
So true. I would be an Orion slavegirl’s slave. I would be a mid-afternoon snack for V’s Anna. I would be a Klingon chew toy. I could go on.