ST:The Next Generation - The Arsenal of Freedom 1X21 2/16 @ 10PM ET

Trek Tuesday, February 16th, 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, greeting. Welcome to Minos, the Arsenal of Freedom.”

good evening, Tarts! anyone here?

me! a few minutes late though

hi cas!! :slight_smile:

Mr. Data, please tells us about Minos. Y’know for the audience out there.

“Commander, we are being hailed.”
“How can that be from a planet with no people?”

Um, artificial life, you organic-centric bigot! :mad:

guy on the viewscreen looks like a gypsy :rolleyes:

“Now that same test has four options.”

Yeah. He’s no Kirk though.

peace through superior firepower… yeah that turned out real well

does the Kobayashi Maru now have four options?? huh???

Hey. I’m the snarky one around here!

Look it’s Sinclair’s girlfriend!

Until Angelus got to him. :eek:

Who is?

“Bryce, where did you come from?”

Why does he do the leg thing?

Because it’s manly-ish. ?

“Lollipop…it’s a good ship.”


Nice catch.


LOL-lipop :wink:

Riker was talking about Paul Bryce and how he scored on some test. Said there were three options and he created his own. “Now there are four options.”

“Is it just Ryker?”

Oh good. No one important. :slight_smile: