ST:The Next Generation - Hide and Q 1X10 1/5 @ 11PM ET

Trek Tuesday, January 5th, 2010
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“Games? Did someone say “game”? And perchance for interest’s sake, a deadly game? To the game!”

Step 1: Designate a penalty box.
Step 2: Put Tasha in that box.
Step 3: Make her stay in the box!

give the girl a break! she hasn’t got much longer to annoy you :smiley:

That really was some blinding magnificence. :slight_smile:

“Ah, your species is always suffering and dying!” :smiley:

I know!! my mind almost couldn’t grasp the floaty orb with its dubious protrusions :smiley:

Macrohead!!! :smiley:

I think John DeLancie’s pouty lips are the reason behind all the Picard/Q slash out there :smiley:

hey, is Picard going to meet Odona now? :smiley:

Q turned Picard into an Aldebaran serpent in one of the novels. His mind couldn’t handle the three heads, so Q turned him back. :slight_smile:

“Oh, if you weren’t Captain…”

…I would ride you like an android! :rolleyes:

“one takes the jobs he can get” :smiley:

“Well, if he was living now, he would have said galaxy.” :smiley:

Ryker as Q always seemed intriguing. Really, who would turn it down?

not I :smiley:

Q became interested in him at Farpoint

so where’s all the Riker/Q slash? :rolleyes:

so how are you this evening, Foolish Fragile Nonentity?

Yay! Wesley’s dead! :stuck_out_tongue:

ETA: Damn you, Ryker. :frowning:

but think of all the times hWesley was the only person capable of saving the Enterprise!! :stuck_out_tongue:

that moment he gets stabbed is vaguely reminiscent of Picard’s encounter with the Naausicans