Cutlery vs. pastime: Sports vs. sporks?
I watch sports while eating with a spork, where does that put me?
For Christmas I gave many people titanium sporks.
I like to eat with sporks while watching sports with Spock.
ThinkGeek sporks? 'cause those are pretty cool. Despite being sporks.
While it is true that soccer is a variety of sport just as spork is a variety of cutlery, it is not true that spork is the superlative form of cutlery just as soccer is the superlative form of sport. Because there are better sports than soccer.
I actually don’t really like sports or sporks. But I do like Snorks!
I am not a fan of sporks. I love sports.
Is Monday Night Football a utensil with which you can eat both cole slaw AND mash potato with?
No, of course it isn’t!!!
Sporks win.
I do not like those Snorks at all,
a rip-off of the Smurfs, I’d call.
For sport it might just be a ball
to frakin spork’em, one and all.
Spork wins: