Spinoff series?

Star Trek has had quite a bit of success with spinoff series, so why not firefly? What would you like to see as a spinoff series?

Personally, I would like to see a prequel story covering Mal, Zoe, Wash, and Book during the unification war. But I would also like to maybe see story arcs from the inner and outer planets point of view as seen through the eyes of civilians and other soldiers.

Last I had heard, Joss had said he is done with Firefly at this point.

I know. I was curious though on what people would be interested in for a spinoff series because there is always a possibility Joss might allow other people to dabble in the verse he created. Like what happened with Trek.

Yes and no. He is currently writing the comic Firefly, and has basically said Firefly is like his first love…basically would do anything to keep it going. If you know anyone with about 50 million dollars who would like to invest in a high-potential movie, you should give Mr. Whedon’s agent a ring.

I can’t believe no one’s willing to pay for a Firefly movie. They’re blowing billions on all kinds of crappy movies.

I thought I heard a rumor a while ago that they were going to make a second movie?

I so wanted to know Book’s backstory. Show him as a young man burning a village or planet for that matter. I also coulda went for a Jayne’s zany past antics: botched capers, accidental shootings, ya know.

I know there’s a thread on Book, but it occurred to me that perhaps he isn’t a former operative after all. I wonder if he is a relative of a very high ranking family. He’s turned his back on that life, but the connections remain in his ID card.

As for a series, I’d like to see the early years too. I can’t imagine FireFly without Wash. I’d also like to see the immediate post-war years. I imagine Mal and Zoe were prisoners for a spell. How did the Alliance deal with the Browncoat forces? That would be an interesting story.

In the commentary for “Objects in Space” Joss points out that Jubal takes out Book right away, and that it is significant. I’m guessing that this means that Sheppard is a formidable fighter. Operative-level, if not an actual Operative.

Wasn’t there a point where fans of the show had taken up donations tokeep the series going & Joss said, thanks but no thanks?

Hmm… how about a former operative from a high ranking family? I think it’s something more than your average 007 don’t you?

Maybe he just wasn’t a fan of “Barney Miller.”

I have always maintained that should I win Powerball ( not that I ever play, mind you… ) but should I win, and I’m up at the podium telling the reports what I plan to do with my 250 million, I will proudly say I’m financing the next season of Firefly :slight_smile:

I like the (undeveloped) relationship between Jayne and Book… maybe they open a pizza shop together or something?

Or Jayne winds up on a mid-world planet, stranded, where he reluctantly befriends a group of underdog kids, and teaches them to believe in themselves…

Sniff That’s beautiful, man sniff

I smell an animated spin-off!

Hey, Hey, Hey! It’s Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Jayne!

warm fuzzies