"special Podcast" request...

I know we are in the middle of the re-watch, thanks so much for that by the way loving every one, but I would love to see a special “Big Lebowski” podcast, even maybe a commentary podcast… granted you would probably have to mark it explicit, or give Chuck 5 weeks to edit it out… LOL

I remember the first few podcasts I was listening to, and I thought : “this is cool, I love hearing random fans discuss the show”, but when Audra made a Lebowski reference, I instantly hit subscribe button and haven’t missed a show since…

Keep it up guys.

I’d second that… it may even be something that could follow after BSG goes off the air… a monthly re-watch and/or commentary, with podcast fan guest starring, etc…

Great idea! I’ll talk to Chuck and Sean about it. God, I love that movie. The first time I saw it, I despised it. The second time, something fell out of the sky and I thought, this is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen.

“He’s a good man. And thu-ra.”

A Big Lebowski podcast is the PERFECT idea, seeing as how its quoted in nearly every episode now. What about a big “About Us” pocast where listeners can ask you guys random questions about yourselves

I got to thinking about the editing delimma and it occurs to me that it would be the cooles thing in the world to have “Frak” edited into the movie…

“I like your style Dude, but do you have to swear so derned much?”

“What the frak are you talking about man?”

“Have it your way dude”

If you guys are looking for a Lebowski Podcast I have one.

Yes, I love the Big Lebowski! For some reason my favorite part is the dream sequence he has where Sadaam is the guy behind the counter at the bowling alley. Oh, that and Jesus the child pervert. lmao

watch this:

OMG. OMG. Brill-fraking-tastic. Can’t breathe.

A commentary podcast of the movie would be indeed frakking cool :slight_smile:

I think you guys should go one step further and go ahead and declare the Watercooler podcast (insert better name here).

A podcast that isn’t tied to Galactica where you really can talk about whatever without worrying about going off topic. I think I mentioned this a while back on the blog.

The perfect example is “The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack” and their off-season podcast “Jay and Jack’s Ramblecast.”

You have the built-in fan/listener base. The only problem would be the extra time it would take out of your personal schedules. But know that we’re here to support!:slight_smile:

Brent: “Ah-ha-ha… that’s marvelous”…

Wow. Somehow I managed to not click on that YouTube link until today. It’s… wonderful!

Damn, I love this movie. Maybe with the new DTA 'casts we can do something like this. I’d love to talk about it. I’ve really been aching to see it again lately, too, ever since I snagged I’m A Lebowski, You’re a Lebowski: Life, The Big Lebowski, and What Have You at the comic shop. This book reminded me of something that’s (don’t laugh) life-affirming for me: no matter how much of a fan of something you think you are, there’s someone – probably a lot of someones – out there who are even bigger fans. Somehow that just makes me feel better about the world.

That and knowin’ the dude’s out there takin’ 'er easy for all us sinners.

Lol - I watched the YouTube video last night - brilliant! I love how the word is so prevalent that you can pretty much watch every major scene in the movie in fast-forward through this method. Ha ha! (Last laugh)

Follow up on the YouTube bit: it just never gets old. I bet I’ve watched it 10 or 12 times now, and I’m still not tired of it.

What’s crazy is that even editing down to just the bits of the flick where people are saying f#$%, there’s still enough of the film there to sense a narrative thread. Try closing your eyes and listening to it – you can actually tell where they are in the story by the way they say “f#$%.” Really.

Wow, Chuck just had me watch that and I couln’t believe it! That was completely more time than I think I could take to work that bad boy out.

… and proud we are of all of them who made it! :wink: