Space Voyage iPad

Action- Enter the Dragon
Adventure- Raiders of the Lost Ark
Animation- Finding Nemo (It’s a toss-up between this and Fantasia.)
Comedy- A Clockwork Orange (Whut!?! I find it hilarious.)
Drama- The Godfather
Fantasy- Star Wars
Horror- Aliens (yet I want to pick Star Trek: Generations)
Musical- The Wizard of Oz
Romance- Casablanca
Sci-Fi- Planet of the Apes
Sport- Raging Bull
Thriller- Jaws
War- Dr. Strangelove
Western- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Action – Mission Impossible 3
Adventure – Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Animation – How to Train Your Dragon
Comedy – Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Drama – Fight Club
Fantasy – The Princess Bride
Horror - The Shining
Musical - Moulin Rouge
Romance – Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Sci-Fi - Empire Strikes Back
Sport - Rocky
Thriller - Aliens
War - The Dirty Dozen
Western - Serenity

Interesting, cuz the challege isn’t asking for your favorite movies or the movies you most respect or have seen the most.
Rather, the question is what movies would you want to watch over and over again.

Action - The Three Musketeers
Adventure - Raiders of the Lost Ark
Animation - Princess and the Pauper
Comedy - Airplane II
Drama - Miller’s Crossing
Fantasy - Return of the King
Horror - Shawn of the Dead
Musical - Yellow Submarine
Romance - Groundhog Day
Sci-Fi - Serenity
Sport - Rocky
Thriller - The Professional
War - Glory
Western - The Good, The Bad and Ugly

It’s more of a bromance, but I like it. :slight_smile:

Wagon Train to the stars is canon…soooooo…

I could watch the Copier execution from Office Space a thousand times a day.

Best. Of. Bang. Bus. drpepperspew

Lebowski is totally a sports film…um…man.

Tarantino much…hehehe

The Wall! Nice. Wild Bunch! Good call. Kelly’s Heroes!!

A Boondock Saints fan, WooT! I love The Prestige, a haunting film. Nacho Libre gets better with each viewing.

The Star Trek 2009 film I refer to the Reese Pieces effect. Lemme 'splain. You’ve got your Star Wars in my Star Trek. You’ve got your Star Trek in my Star Wars.

South Park. I’m not surprised at all.

A Perfect World…I have not seen that. Oh SNAP! Look at that, it’s on Instant Watch. whoosh

When you’re brought before the panel and they ask, “Musical?” Just put your best Poker face on and say, “Hunt for Red October.” Don’t off any explanations. Just stare 'em down.

Thanks for the links. I didn’t know most of those.

My picks were films I’ve seen many times and will continue to see many times. Most of them I can quote verbatim.

I’m surprised there aren’t many folks that are fans of Westerns. The themes are very close to SF/Fantasy adventures.

Can you dig it?!?

The bromance that is Shaun of the Dead.

Drama - Fight Club. giggle
Folks have to help me out with Moulin Rouge. I dig Musicals but I just could not get into that film.
The Shining! I don’t know if I could watch that on a 10 year Space Voyage, over and over and over…'talos go cuckoo
I lurve Eternal Sunshine!
I am humming the Dirty Dozen theme right now.

We’ve both seen Princess and the Pauper so many times, what’s another 1000?
Airplane II - The Shat is back!
Of course! Yellow Submarine!!
Ned Ryerson! Bing!

true true, the western film is a great American art form in my humble opinion.

Ooh, ok I’ll do that. I wondered if Serenity could count for Western, thinking that maybe Firefly would more than Serenity. And yes, I totally forgot Brother’s Bloom, I may have to reconsider something else to leave behind, I do watch that over and over…

I think this one is one of those great movies that you just can’t watch over and over, but is definitely on the watch once a year to experience it over again.

Yes! Boondock Saints has been my favorite movie for years. And Nacho Libre is a sneaky favorite… I find that I end up talking like I belong in the movie after I watch it, which is always funny.

Same here! Also, I like that you had something to say back to everyone, this is a great thread.

Other thot: I wonder what it says about each person if you knew very little about them except this list of movies that they would watch over and over…

It’s kinda interesting. Frakkintalos and I are on record as massive Star Trek fans, yet neither of us squeezed in a single Star Trek movie.

For me, that’s probably cuz just a love of Star Trek doesn’t mean the movies are ones I …right now at this point in time… would take with me to watch over and over on a 10 year space flight.

Partly it’s because I’ve seen them (especially ST II and III) so many times, that I really don’t need to bring 'em with me. Also, the main goodness of Star Trek is its TV format.

(Geez Thot! does every conversation have to turn into a Star Trek conversation for you? :o :smiley: )

Action Die Hard
Adventure Raiders of the lost ark
Animation How to train your dragon.
Comedy Monty Pythons life of Brian
Drama To Kill a Mockingbird
Fantasy I really don’t know…
Horror 28 Days later
Musical Chicago…C. Zeta Jones…I’ll be in my bunk…
Romance Grosse Point Blank
Sci-Fi Trek 2009
Sport Dodgeball “Thank YOU Chuck Norris”
Thriller Silence of the lambs
War Enemy at the Gates
Western Unforgiven

Its a romantic Comedy that happens to have zombies in it. They even call it that…A RomZomCom

SotD is totally a romance. The entire ‘quest’ is Simon Pegg’s plan to win over the object of his affection.

AKA a SimPegZomRomCom.

Action - The Rock
Adventure - Hero
Animation - Spirited Away
Comedy - American Pie
Drama - Memoirs of a Geisha
Fantasy - Dogma
Horror - Blade
Musical - Beauty and the Beast
Romance - The Road Home
Sci-Fi - The Matrix
Sport - The Sandlot
Thriller - Fight Club
War - Glory
Western - Ravenous

If there is room (since none of the above are close to 4hrs long) I would throw in a couple more genres. If not, can I substitute for Western and Sports?

Crime - The Shawshank Redemption
Mystery - Seven

Action - Die Hard
Adventure - Back to the Future
Animation - South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
Comedy - Clerks II
Drama - The Shawshank Redemption
Fantasy - The Dark Knight (I would prefer LotR, but I’m not taking one without the others)
Horror - Tremors
Musical - Can I have Dr. Horrible? It’s not technically a movie, but still.
Romance - Mallrats (I’m pushing it a little bit with this one)
Sci-Fi - Star Trek: First Contact
Sport - Cool Runnings
Thriller - Die Hard with a Vengeance
War - Full Metal Jacket (I only need the first half)
Western - Maverick

There are some of them that I’m using a loose definition of the genre. But I checked wikipedia and it does define Die Hard with a Vengeance as a thriller, Dark Knight as Fantasy and Tremors as a Horror. I would have liked to get the original Star Wars trilogy in there, I’m sure I could get them all in somewhere.

Fine, fine. (:

I envisioned several folks scratching their heads at many of my picks, so I put in the extra effort to make it easier. And hopefully someone else may find enjoyment in some of my choices. Unfortunately, titles like Kenshin and 0083 require watching the series than the stand alone movies to get the full enjoyment. Most of the others are pretty solid though, especially the Evangelion movies and Summer Wars (I cannot stress enough how much each of you should watch Summer Wars).

You know, if I were exposed to more top notch westerns I may be able to get into them more. But, many western seem formulaic to me.

My brother once said something that applies to me to a lesser extent. He said, “If a movie doesn’t have electricity in it, I can’t really get into it.” He prefers more modern stories than period pieces or westerns. I have no problems with animated period pieces, but I know what he means for live action.

Finally, someone picked Matrix. Surprised it took this long

Yeah, I had to drop a title or two to get the whole LotR trilogy. I can understand someone having trouble if they wanted to fit both Star Wars and LotR.

DHSAB is a perfectrly fine example of a musical in my book. I picked several direct to video anime.

Action Lethal Weapon
Adventure Raiders of The Lost Ark
Animation Titan AE
Comedy Ghostbusters
Drama Erin Brockovich
Fantasy Lord Of The Rings
Horror Aliens
Musical Annie
Romance For Love Of The Game
Sci-Fi 2010
Sport Miracle
Thriller The Firm
War Saving Private Ryan
Western El Dorado

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

ETA: Changing Musical to The Muppet Movie and my LOTR pick was meant to be Fellowship of the Ring

Honorable Mentions:
Action: Die Hard, Top Gun, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Transformers, Transformers 2, Tom Clancy movies, Every Which Way But Loose, Fast & Furious (any), Red Dawn, Mad Max, Air Force One, A-Team, Armageddon, Beverly Hills Cop, Cobra, Batman (any), Robin Hood (1991), The Last Boyscout, The Rocketeer, True Lies, Mr & Mrs Smith, Untouchables

Adventure: National Treasure, Sahara, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Far and Away, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Tomb Raider, The DaVinci Code, Sherlock Holmes

Animation: How to Train Your Dragon, Toy Story (any), Cars, Up

Comedy: One Crazy Summer, American Pie, The Princess Bride, Wedding Crashers, Mr. Mom, Bachelor Party, The Secret Of My Success, Short Circuit, Air America, Father of the Bride, My Cousin Vinny, Mrs Doubtfire, Nine Months, Down Periscope, Big Daddy, Blast From The Past, Cheaper By The Dozen, Daddy Day Care, Couples Retreat, Hot Tub Time Machine

Drama: The Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Castaway, Apollo 13, Bi-Centennial Man, A Few Good Men, Breakfast Club, Thirteen Days, The Right Stuff, Wargames, Driving Miss Daisy, Regarding Henry, The Fugitive, Guarding Tess, The American President, The Postman, October Sky, A Beautiful Mind, The Pursuit Of Happiness, Marley & Me

Fantasy: Harry Potter (any), Pirates of the Caribbean, Narnia, Blade, Conan, Big Trouble In Little China, The Highlander

Musical: Sister Act, Mr. Hollands Opus, The Wedding Singer

Romance: Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail, Groundhog Day, Sweet Home Alabama, 16 Candles, Forget Paris, When Harry Met Sally, Pretty Woman, An Officer and a Gentlemen, Dave, 50 First Dates, Jerry McGuire, The Notebook,

Sci-Fi: Star Trek (multiple), Matrix, Tron, Tron Legacy, Back to the Future, Bladerunner, Star Wars (multiple), Serenity, Avatar, Galaxy Quest, Lost In Space, Red Planet, Real Genius, Weird Science, Terminator (any), Independence Day (ID4), Riddick, Dune, The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai, The Abyss, Contact, Close Encounter of the Third Kind, Stargate, Men In Black, Starship Troopers, Deep Impact, Mummy, Wing Commander

Sport: Rudy, Hoosiers, Invisible, The Cutting Edge, Major League, Bull Durham, The Replacements, American Anthem, The Blind Side, A League Of Their Own, The Legend of Beggar Vance

Thriller: Casino Royale, Bourne (any), Speed

War: Midway, Platoon, In Harms Way, Glory, The Guns of Navarro, The Great Escape, Twelve O’Clock High, Memphis Belle, U-571, The Longest Day, We Were Soldiers, Where Eagles Dare, The Flying Leathernecks, The Sands of Iwo Jima

Western: Maverick, McClintock, The Train Robbers

Heist (New Category): Oceans (any), The Italian Job, Rain Man, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Girl Next Door

Action - Terminator 2
Adventure - Sneakers
Animation - Ratatouille
Comedy - Caddyshack
Drama - The Fugitive
Fantasy - Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
Horror - Aliens
Musical - Evita
Romance - Back to the Future III
Sci-Fi - The Matrix
Sport - The Big Lebowski
Thriller - Casino Royale
War - The Great Escape
Western - Lonesome Dove

Crom, this was difficult! :slight_smile:

Great choices!!!

~Shooter Out

These are great choices!!!

I’ve not seen that. Must check it out. Another one on Instant Watch. WooT! whoosh

My list may be considered a cheat because I will be listing toss ups, because it is so hard to choose between my final two picks for each catagory-

Action: The Transporter/ Last Man Standing
Adventure: Lawerance of Arabia/ The Man Who Would Be King
Animation: Spirited Away/ Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Comedy: Airplane/ Raising Arizona
Drama: Finding Forrester/ Secondhand Lions*
Fantasy: LOTR: The Return of the King/ My Neighbor Totoro
Horror: The Grudge/ Slither
Musical: The Muppet Movie/ Fiddler on the Roof/ My Fair Lady
Romance: Murphy’s Romance/ Roxanne
SciFi: Inception/ Avatar
Sport: The Natural/ Rocky/ The Rookie/ The Titans
Thriller: Sin City/ Seven
War: Saving Private Ryan/ Schindler’s List
Western: Silverado/ Tombstone