Sounds to wake up to

I just picked up a new mobile/cell phone. A Nokia 5800, awesome phone so far, the only thing is the default sounds for the alarm clock really, really suck. The good thing is that it can be customised with an MP3 of my own choosing. Anyone have any favourite sounds or songs they like to wake up to. Nothing to obnoxious, hopefully. An alarm clock I had years ago had the most obnoxious alarm. Sure it woke me up, but was a poor way to start a day, and I hate the mornings at the best of times.

I hate the alarm on the alarm clock. Doesn’t your alarm clock have a radio? I wake up to the radio everyday. The morning station around here plays Led Zeppelin about the time I wake up.

While my phone can recieve radio, I don’t think I can link it to the alarm clock. Plus I’d have to leave headphones plugged into it to, as I believe they act as an ariel of some sort. Also the radio around here sucks, you some times get the odd good song, but its rare.

Church bells? Womans voice with the time?

I change my response to woman’s voice. First time I woke up to my wife’s whisper in my ear sent chills through me. Amazing feeling.

Funny story. I returned to work after my honeymoon and relayed that story to a female friend at work. A couple of jaded married men snickered and said, “Chills? In a few years you’ll be saying shrills.”

I can honestly say after 14 years of marriage. No shrills, baby! Take that!

I woke up to Listen to Ripley today lol. And then I promptly shut it off, rolled over, and slept for 3 more hours. T_T


The beginning might be a bit jarring to awaken to, perhaps, but what better way to start the day than a musical reminder of the fleeting nature of time and its endless progression toward old age and death? :stuck_out_tongue:

After Inception came out, I started using Edith Piaf’s “Non, je ne Regrette Rien” as an alarm. I advise… caution, especially if you’re the type to take movies seriously. If you choose this as your alarm and find yourself scrutinizing the edges of reality for cracks, you might want to change to something else.

My favorite sound to wake up to is GroovyJ whispering in my ear that she’s had a particularly naughty dream and wants to fool around. :groucho:


My favorite sound to wake up to is “Jump Around” by House of Pain. It always makes me feel happy.


My wife’s androids preferred method of waking us … currently.


Wow, this is a thread from a while ago. That phone I bought is long gone now. Funny enough I still haven’t found the perfect wake sound, the defaults ok on my HTC Desire S but I’m still looking.

I think you ment to post this in the Just Frakkin Awesome thread :slight_smile:

For a while my alarm was

The Distillers - City of Angels

Then I switched to

Clint Mansell - Moon OST #1 - Welcome to Lunar Industries

for sometime which is awesome to wake up to because it builds quite nicely then kicks you in the butt if you didn’t shut it off if you got some volume. But nowadays its more about keeping my 9 week old son sleeping so we play

at night

I’ve been using the intro harmonic scales from Van Halen’s “Girl Gone Bad” It works well!