Snow Crash Discussion Live via Talk Shoe 11/8 @ 10 am CT

Join me and other GWCers in a live discussion of last month’s GWC book of the month – Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson – via TalkShow this weekend.

Saturday, November 8, 2008
10:00 a.m. CT

Talk Shoe Link:

I’ll be there. I dunno what I’ll add besides being like “Oh shit remember when X happened that was raaaad or frak yeah Ratthing!”

Great Idea, I love a good old fashion story about an Arctic plane crash. Oh, my bad, the title threw me off. Do they deliver pizza that early? :eek: It just doesn’t feel right to talk about Snowcrash without a slice in your hand. :smiley: If it doesn’t make it in 30 min, forget about it! :cool:

Funny: I was telling a friend the other day that I’ve essentially switched from Pizza Hut (whom I delivered for in high school) to Dominos, mainly because a) Dominos has the cool online tracker that shows you where your pizza is in the process the whole time, and b) they actually deliver in 30 minutes.

I couldn’t help but think that Domino’s system is as close to the one in Snow Crash as I’ve seen.

I just had a vision of a group of football fans crowded around a big screen for the Superbowl and during the commercials they are all placing bets on when the pizza arrives. One dude in the center of the room on a laptop is calling it out like a play-by-play. I never knew they did that. Is there no end to the thing technology can do?

Hrm, that’s 9 AM PST, right? I’ll be there, hopefully.

Man I feel bad for Chuck. The choice between Pizza Hut and Dominos is not a choice I’d like to be forced to make. I mean if I had to pick I rather like Domino’s crust but neither comes close to random pizzeria #8 within a stone’s throw from my house =P

I’ll try to make it… :slight_smile:

And it’s never too early for pizza. Really. I promise.

Alrighty, going to sleep now. With any luck, my internal biological alarm clock will wake me up at somewhere between 6:30 and 8:00 am and that gives me some time to get ready. So it looks like I’ll be there.

EDIT: Oh shoot it’s 8 AM pacific, ha. That’s going to be weird. I think I should still make it though.

Well I’m eating pizza now cause well. I’m frakkin starvin.

Pizza for breakfast? You pregnant?

Leftovers from last night

Glad to see you guys are up. Just hooked up the TalkShoe rig and I’m ready to go in 45 minutes.

Woohoo, I got up in time. I’m all set up and ready.

Oh I suck. I miscalculated the time difference by an hour and I came too late for the show. That’s just teh suck.

Bad karma from calling me preggers

Hey – this was a great time. I’m totally gonna set one up for next month once we’ve all had a chance to read Foundation.

Sorry to have missed it…

Me too. I’m flagellating myself already.

If you missed out, I posted the whole recording as a new DTA: