
so i liked seans idea of a smurf arc. i have the most of the serise on DVD and i think it could be a good one cast arc. they could talk about fantastic things like how it was made by a mormon lady. and maybe we could delve into the whole smurfette thing. me i allways wounder how that worked and would love to hear the cruws ideas on many of the subjects.

things like the scociological implications of something like 300 men 1 woman and how all the relationships seem to work out ok.

and the biggest issue i have ever seen is that apparently Gargamel lives and owns the woods the smurfs live in. and if he feels they are trespassing doesnt that mean he has the right to with the fauna as he see’s fit. i dont think you get it for murder for killing a mythical beast like a smurf. ever tryed to buy a griffon hunting tag from the DNR they think your crazy. and if a man kills a rabbit or a squirrel he has the right to eat it or try to use alchemy to make it into gold at his leisure doesnt he.

                         just some thoughts -Someone

I always felt that the smurfs wrere an allegory for an ideal communist society.

i was thinking about this at work. and really it seems more like an arayan allegory. i mean think about it they only have once race of people. no undesirables. and they are lead by a facist in a red hat and pants. it kind of makes me think of the Klan in the southern united states. think of papa smurf more like the grand wizard and you will see where i am going with this.

i mena its even possible that “smurf berrys” are possible code for some sort of mild euphoric drug substance. maybe gargemel is really an allegory for the union, the man , the FBI, the ATF , or even the Drug task force. not really sure on all this. I could definatly see peewee being a mule.

me i say gargamel should have ditched that cat for a 2-3 dachshund pack they would go thru smurf village like a pack of velociraptors in an orphange.

I should say that I thought them to be the type of utopian society that Marx wanted before the communist got ahold of his ideals. They were a peaceful agrarian society with little social discord. Everything was owned by the community at large except for a few sentimental possesions. Everyone worked tword common goals. They had a benevolent “red” leader who acted as father, educator, and overlord to them all.
As to Gargamel, I thought he was a representation of all the corruption that comes with capatialism. He was greedy, egocentric, and corrupt. He was always threatening the peace and harmony of smurf village. Always offering the smurfs shortcuts and personal gain, when he wasn’t trying to eat them or turn them into gold.
Those are my thoughts anyway.

seriously good points


Holy craaap!! Not to mention Marxist feminism, Gargamel’s creation of Smurfette to subjugate and oppress her for his own gain. However, as most critics of Marxist Feminism will affirm, Smurfette is still subject to a patriarchal system (Papa Smurf).

How did I forget about Smurfette?

You guys frakkin crack me up.

See folks lots of depth here. i could definatly see an arc here.