Friday, 7 May 2010
8 PM Eastern/Pacific
Martha Kent returns to Smallville with her new boyfriend… Perry White!
Friday, 7 May 2010
8 PM Eastern/Pacific
Martha Kent returns to Smallville with her new boyfriend… Perry White!
Hi everyone.
Why didn’t he just look through the wall and see who it was?
Why, because it looks good? :rolleyes:
Perry White and Mom. Job is in the bag.
Mom’s shackin’ up.
Even an alien has to be creeped out by that. :eek:
I want to know who the red queen is. Do you think we will find out today?
Maybe it’s Martha.
That would be a mindfrak.
That is an understatement. :eek:
“I’d like your blessing.”
Does anyone still do that anymore?
If so it is the kid asking the dad.
Great family dinner.
Tess is that right or just a cover???
Sorry I’ve been AWOL.
I keep getting phonecalls.
I know how that goes, all to well.
That was a surprise to me.
Perry’s great.
“Great Caesar’s ghost!”
Great …
I love when they toss in those lines.
Ha! I knew it!
Frak you are good.