Smallville 9x20 Sacrifice

Ah, so Watch Tower. But, I’m guessing that won’t be the only one.

Giving up a pawn is the standard, but giving up your queen is the real sacrifice move.

Maybe he just did not feel threatened by the arrow and did not expect to be shot in the leg. OK that is stretching it a bit.

I learned that in Flashfoward. :slight_smile:

Lol! I just noticed Stan Lee’s cameo. Never seen the whole commercial before.

“…I have everything under… control. AHHHHHH!!!” :eek:

Hey! It’s Pike! :stuck_out_tongue:

I do not like that kind of control.

I think we just witnessed the sacrifice of the queen.

I like how they did that shot.

Actually, I can buy that he didn’t expect to be pierced.

Lol. Same.

Oh, removal of a piece?

What were you saying about not killing Tess? :rolleyes:

That would not kill you like that.

They have agents from Matrix vibe.

Why was she surprised? Hasn’t she ever seen Pulp Fiction?

Wait. Did he just kill Waller? :eek:

One queen down?

Apparently. Although I’m surprised, since she’s been in other media, so I’m assuming that she’s in the comics.

That said, they’ve killed Jimmy too, so who knows?

Wow. That was cold. :eek: