Smallville 9x19 Charade

Friday, 23 April 2010
8 PM Eastern/Pacific

Um, bunny outfit?

Clark has a bruise? :eek:

Did he? I didn’t notice one.

I’d thought Lois would have an aching hand though.

Were they fired from the Daily Planet or a side job? Because I never seen their boss before.

Like that actor though.

Yep god bless her :smiley:

I think I missed that

Hi all…

Maid outfit two episodes ago, now bunny. Sorta feel sorry for the actress.

Any takers on a pool for how Lois will get knocked out this ep?

I’m guessing Clark knows when to fake it.

Actually, I think it was just a shadow. After he moved his head, I didn’t see it anymore.

I’d thought Lois would have an aching hand though.

Or a broken arm, considering how the baseball bats and other blunt objects tend to shatter all over him.

Damn, he looks good in that shirt. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well done, costume person. :slight_smile:



New editor.

That would explain why we haven’t seen him already. :slight_smile:

“Sometimes I think you have more than two hands.”


“Whats in the box?”

Can anyone else hear that and not think Seven? :slight_smile:

So… Perry is coming (back) soon?

I can’t even look at a box without thinking of Gwenyth Paltrow’s head. :slight_smile:

Maybe. :stuck_out_tongue:

Funny tampon commercial.


Is that the same [spoiler]Martha[/spoiler]?