Friday, 23 April 2010
8 PM Eastern/Pacific
Um, bunny outfit?
Clark has a bruise? :eek:
Did he? I didn’t notice one.
I’d thought Lois would have an aching hand though.
Were they fired from the Daily Planet or a side job? Because I never seen their boss before.
Like that actor though.
Yep god bless her
I think I missed that
Hi all…
Maid outfit two episodes ago, now bunny. Sorta feel sorry for the actress.
Any takers on a pool for how Lois will get knocked out this ep?
I’m guessing Clark knows when to fake it.
Actually, I think it was just a shadow. After he moved his head, I didn’t see it anymore.
I’d thought Lois would have an aching hand though.
Or a broken arm, considering how the baseball bats and other blunt objects tend to shatter all over him.
Damn, he looks good in that shirt.
Well done, costume person.
New editor.
That would explain why we haven’t seen him already.
“Sometimes I think you have more than two hands.”
“Whats in the box?”
Can anyone else hear that and not think Seven?
So… Perry is coming (back) soon?
I can’t even look at a box without thinking of Gwenyth Paltrow’s head.
Funny tampon commercial.
Is that the same [spoiler]Martha[/spoiler]?