Smallville 10x18 Booster

Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders?

Meow Mix… Doesn’t look quite right.

Interesting transformation.

He kind of reminds me of Chris Evan’s Human Torch.

The Guyver! :eek:

Wow, Meow Mix actually looked hot there.

That’s not this team, and hopefully it bombs before going to series so Chuck has a better chance of getting renewed.

I thought the same thing! :smiley:

I can see that.

Not so much to me…

It could actually be good…

Who am I kidding? d:

Agreed! :smiley:

Clark’s clothes looks like what he’s wearing in the phone booth.

What a d-bag.

“I’m worshipped by billions. I’m kind of a big deal.” :smiley:

“Our presence here has my historical database somewhat inaccurate.” :smiley:



Oh, come one. Wear the suit already. That jacket is just silly.

“I will zap you to honeybee heaven.” :smiley:

Let the bromance begin! :slight_smile:

Just when Smallville’s track record for not saying cheesy lines was going so well. d:

Jor-El’s still pissed at him. Though I don’t know why he doesn’t just go to the Fortress and melt the damn thing out.

A booster gold/Blue beetle spin-off on the other hand I now think would be good.:slight_smile:

You know, “I am the villain of the story” did seem a bit cheesy the 3rd or 4th time around, and that’s no worse than some of the worse one-liners Ollie has dropped.