Smallville 10x18 Booster

Lol. Opposite of what she told Clark.

Yeah Lois, that’ll work…

Oh, He becomes…

Yeah… Ok.

Lol. I get it 15 seconds before they show it. d:

Won’t be so poor much longer…

Heh, the episode title’s double meaning is already revealed.

:confused:…ooooh didn’t even notice that :smiley:

Nice Booster Girls…

The actor playing Booster Gold is on Days of our Lives.

Clearly, this is the role he meant to play. :slight_smile:

With the demise of the show, maybe he could get a spin off? d:

Meow Mix is sitting with the Booster Girls. d:

Oh, didn’t know he knew Clark by name…

Somehow, I doubt it, although I’d love to see that, personally. :slight_smile:

How is the film not yet rated? Still working on the effects?

In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power… GREEN LANTERN’S LIGHT! :cool:

Can’t friggin wait for the Green Lantern movie :D:D

You know, between Clark putting on the suit and all the movies coming out, this is going to be the Summer of the Superheroes.

Yeah, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Impulse got first dibs. Maybe even Green Arrow.

Let’s wait and see how they handle Wonder Woman first.

Clark poured on the mild mannered a bit too strong.

Too much is just right :slight_smile: