Smallville 10x13 Beacon

Former ‘Smallville’ Actor Pleads Guilty in Oxycodone Bust

Think Deadshot did this to generate sympathy?

Nice dig at Faux News. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks. 20 years? dang…

Lionel’s behind it.

Oh, and Lois must have taken cooking lessons from Martha before she went to Washington, because last time I remember her cooking, it was kind of awful.

Creepy lighting on Lionel 2.

“I watched your body fall 40 stories. It was the greatest moment of my life.” :eek:



Run away, Lex! Far away!

L’il Lex is just a bit crazy, methinks.

So the clone knows Clark is Kryptonian too? How the hell is he ever going to develop a secret identity if everyone knows the secret?

Tess is going to be dead by the end of the series.

Is Zatanna going to be in any of the episodes that are left?

EDIT: And Chloe can Photoshop every picture of him on the internet to give him glasses. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that about Chloe since she isn’t/wasn’t in the comics.

I’m just hoping for Rosenbaum. And, Kreuk too I guess.

“All of them.”

Called it.

Love Chloe’s reactions in this scene.

“I just need you to hack into a couple national news websites.”
“How many?” :smiley:

Rosenbaum, hell yeah. Kreuk, not so much.

Kreuk’s definitely not coming back. Rosenbaum’s still up in the air.

Who’s L’il Lex? He looks familiar.

Lex turned on him faster than I expected.