Smallville 10x12 Collateral

Chloe took over the Suicide Squad? :smiley:

“I can explain later. I did what I had to do.”

That’s hardly ominous at all. :eek:

That’s not a bad idea…

Heh. Yeah, I call BS on that too.

“The body cannot live without the mind.”

“Every one of them is a highly trained lethal killer.”

Are they subject to the inverse ninja law? :rolleyes:

Power fluctuates like she’s appearing from the future a la terminator.

Lol. Nice fight.

You know, if the Matrix stuff hadn’t been overdone 10 years ago, that may have been pretty cool. :slight_smile:

Wow, frakking awesome fight scene there.

She wears white in the VR and black irl.

Like that other Matrix chick.

“In the world of Clark and Chloe, this is just another day at the office.” :smiley:

Wow. All that visible breath. She must be freezing irl.

What’s with all of these Jumper/Push movies?

super powers sell so they’re throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.

Best of the recent ones was Wanted imo.

Or she’s a heavy smoker. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow Lois…

best of the random power movies imo Highlander

There are many copies.

They have a plan! :eek:

Agent Chloe Smith.