Skype meetup idea

I’ll come next week ololothanks Dave

I finally showed up and you were off moving to school. Well where are your priorities. :stuck_out_tongue: Have fun at School. You will do great. (Just a small pep talk for a Freshman.)

I use a phone and the number on talkshoe. That sounds so low tech.

Well…ugh…I kind of…ugh…thehehehe. You see for this week I hope i can come but ugh…I’m meeting up with Anders_fan so hopefully I can call in if she doens’t mind lol

Of course I don’t mind. Heck I might even call in myself or at least take your phone for a minute to say hello!!!

If I make it, I make it. If I don’t, I don’t. If I am late then I am late. I had an appointment scheduled at the last minute for a medical matter Saturday at 0900 PDT. I don’t know how long it might take.

In the small chance you’ll read this before tomorrow…whats for lunch? lol

It sounds like I am going to be quite tied up in the morning. Arrangements are being made for a family member to show up on the call. This might get interesting.

Not sure, I am thinking Mexican though…

gonna start in a bit, be there and be square!

Excellent job David ! Fun and informative. And Khaaan! And a quick call-in from Emily herself and Anders Fan ! And the super-secretive “Guest 7”, taunting us from their hidden lair…

What did this guest sevens ay? Hopefully Guest seven wikll come next week…only this time they might be guest five or six lol

OK, Emily this is an intervention. You must see Terminator 2 asap. This is no laughing matter. For one of our own to not have scene this is not right. T2 is like the Holy Grail of sci-fi. Please, put down the LOST for a couple hours and watch this classic. :smiley:

Emily!!! You have not seen T2! Holy Crap! Drop your homework, other movies, plans for the evening etc. Take a direct route to your nearest movie store and rent it!

Is there a call today?

Apparently there wasn’t. Depending upon how my conscience feels, I may sneak a cross-post of something in so that folks can download something to listen to. We shall see…

I amnr eally really really really really really really really really sorry.

See, last night audiaicty died on me. I had jsut been told at nine that myfamaly was coming up flor my birthday. I was frsutrated becasue they were coming up at one o’clock…great tinibg, really.

Anyway, I was awake half the night tirng to get a episode out of a podcast tha ti do (I spent about twohours having audicity crashh) I woke up at 10 30 thsi morning but fll back asleep…I woke up at one and there was my ssiter baning on the door.

So, again I am really really really sorry this week didnt’ work out. However, nexxt

It’s all good Emily. Just remember that your three main backup hosts are located on the west coast three hours behind you. I was up if you wanted to call us to warn of a need. I didn’t really sleep overnight all that much for reasons I am totally unsure of. I think Kmehthas might have been up although I cannot hazard a guess as to bkitty. With a little bit of a heads-up any of us could possibly have covered for you.

I hit snooz. “need more snooz”, figuring “oh, Emily’s all gung-ho about taking this back…” See what happens when I don’t show up? :smiley:

If anyone’s jones’in for some GWCAFP chat, Skype me up! my username is jaundrew

  • David -

See, now i am the only person in this afterfrak party. If no one shows up i am jsut going to ahve to whip out my google reader and start talking hahahaha

Hey, I showed up.