Skype Call: Discussion of A Dance With Dragons

Hello everyone!

So through the forum, twitter, etc., I’m getting the sense that a critical mass of GWCers who read the A Song of Ice and Fire series have finished A Dance With Dragons - and a number of us said before it came out that we’d like to have a chat once we read it. So - shall we give it a try next week? Sometime in the EST afternoon on Sunday, August 7? Reply here to figure out the best time for all of us to get together, virtually.

As long as it’s later (2PM EDT or so) I’m in.

Sunday works for me. Anytime is good that day.

So let’s say 3PM EST this Sunday (tomorrow at this point)? Moving took more of my time than I thought it would this week, so I apologize if this seems a bit last minute. We can always reschedule, or have another chat. If you don’t have my Skype handle, PM me and we’ll invite you to the call :slight_smile:

I’m always at least a book behind everyone. :smiley:

Have fun guys!

We’re live! Come join us! :slight_smile: