Synopsis: Personally I found it to be another Cloverfield, minus the insanely annoying POV shaky-cam.
Plus: Great eye-candy, marginally good music, good cinematography whenever they actually managed to show something other than the inside of the apartment.
Minus: Like Cloverfield the characters are barely introduced before the action takes place, therefore there is NO emotional investment in any of them. This is worsened by the fact the characters then consistently do things to make you like them less and less, and or make irrational/stupid decisions.
So therefore when one of them dies you simply don’t care.
Major minus: Just like Cloverfield there is no payoff. You are dragged along this tedious journey and then it ends with no resolution. It is set up for a sequel in an obnoxious and video-gamesque fashion, but based upon the reactions I observed of the others in the theater as they left; no one gives crap!
I cannot with good conscience recommend it.