Show us your desktop!

I’ve searched these forums to see if a thread like this existed, and I couldn’t find one, so I’m making one! :slight_smile:

I’ve seen this done on other forums, and it is pretty interesting to see how your computers look all pimped out, so why not give it a go?

Here’s mine:

I love your wallpaper! May I have a copy? :cool:


I’m one of those people who don’t like to have icons on their desktops. Here are what mine look like.

Main machine


Mine’s just blue-gray. Saves on processor power. Plus my desktop is usually so cluttered you couldn’t see a picture anyway.

F-talos! I love that Star Trek one! Do you have it in red? and in blue? May I have a copy too? :cool:

Don’t get a red one unless you want your computer to crash right after you boot up! :smiley:

Blue Shirt

Gold Shirt

Red Shirt

Is it me or does it look like Talos is still using Windows 2000?

and Internet Explorer! :eek:

Good to know! Thanks! :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep the wallpapers coming! Interesting stuff so far.

Ooo, and give us the link too so we may get a copy! :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s the link for mine.

Great idea for a thread!

Work computer:

The wallpaer is here.

I’ll post the home computer when I get home.

My current background image on my desktop: