Should Cody Watch Princess Bride?

The Princess Bride will always hold a special place in my heart. You won’t regret watching it. Man, just thinking about this movie makes me smile.

Oh yeah, and the ongoing “is wrestling fantasy/sci fi” debate has the lines further blurred by Andre the Giant’s heartwarming role in this flick. :slight_smile:

Cody, The Princess Bride is as much a chick flick as Star Wars. It’s a freakin’ geek classic for a reason. Are you sure you aren’t confusing it with The Princess Diaries?

I may have voted Baltar (tradition is important) but in my heart, I meant yes, yes, yes. Watch The Princess Bride. It’s delightful. There’s too many perfect one-liners to pass up. And a perfect kiss. And one of the world’s most perfect pairs of breasts. And you mustn’t forget the ROUSes.

Don’t listen to her. There’s no such thing.

I vote no

for two reasons; number one he asked us too. and number two i cant get myself to watch it again, i mean as i child i watched it and liked it, bought the special edition dvd. and there it has sat for close to a year now… and dont know why.

Jeez, I didn’t find the book 'til I was in college. Loved it. The movie makes a lot of compromises, as is inevitable, but the actors carry the somewhat abbreviated story. What’s not to like?

here’s the thing i did like it, i remember liking it. but every-time i think i’ll watch it i just seem to find something else.

its not you princess bride, its me.

Don’t make me set up another poll.

if its that important to you; no poll is needed ill watch the thing.

and than ill eat my green vegetables. :wink:

See, Cody? Man up!

When I saw this poll, this popped into my head

Chazz: Who’d win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?
Chris Moore: Lemmy.
[Rex imitates a game show buzzer]
Chris Moore: … God?
Rex: Wrong, dickhead, trick question. Lemmy IS God.

I think because if he hangs out around geek enough, he’s heard the Super-Good-Parts version ™, he just doesn’t realize it.

As for the book, I seem to remember that the book and the movie were created simultaneously, rather than one being a derivative of the other. Each taking advantage of their medium… though I may be thinking of 2001… which is a long way of saying Read. The. Book.

You can see how far I’ve come by not saying IYKWIM in response to you…until I consider my statement and the obvious double entendre embedded within.

Seriously. You can’t win at this game, even when you are the DM. :smiley:

You are. And he should.

when i watched Pricess Bride, my girlfriend at the time also introduced me to it.

i think it’s a timeless flick for all ages. it’s a definate yes.

how else are you going to get the Sicilian references…

No. There’s mentions of things like breasts and stuff. Inappropriate content for such a young immature viewer. Perhaps someday when he’s older.:smiley:

I see what you did there. You are soooo ready to be a parent of a teenager.

i think it’s better for kids to hear that stuff from something like Princess Bride first, with parents near them to educate them on the matter, than kids hearing those stuff first from some odd perverted friend.

How perverted?

when i was a kid, and some other kid talks to me about girls and boobs, it’s usually pretty perverted.

WIMYH is right–read the book. It’s very, very funny. Actually, all told, I like the movie better since Buttercup’s character, in my opinion, is much improved in the film version. Either way, both movie and book are cure to crack you up. `