Have you listened to 'cast #231 yet? When talking about Solai’s various solutions, Sean said he couldn’t read them on the 'cast given Boxey, Shooter Jr, and some other younglings were listening. He called it, “Uncle Sean’s Naughty Story Time”.
Well, I suppose that could still work into the mix. Because I was hoping to do what we did last time…
We list our teams on the 2.0 Team List thread, and then we each post a scenario in the order of our teams listing. One scenario a week, or if we feel we need more time we could make it one scenario every two weeks. That way every writer gets a chance to come up with a juicy challenge for everyone else to chew on.
So if you want something racy… Come up with something and post it when your turn comes!
Sound fair?
Isn’t Boxey in college now?
I am SO in for Uncle Sean’s Naughty Story time. A friend of mine in HS used to say that he and I should team up to write erotica together. Of course, today, I’m me… and he’s a lay preacher. So I shudder to think what stories we might have penned if I had taken him up on it.
I’m keeping Team Phoenix, btw (see sig for characters).
Boxey, defend your honor here! Aren’t you almost, like, 20?
Well have fun, I will pass on the ‘Fan Fic’; not my thing… For those who wish to write solutions in the tradion of the previous two FSL events, the offer is still open.