Settlers of Catan

I’m with you on Risk 2300 AD (I think it’s called that). It’s an awesome game. Not only to you try to conquer the world in the game, you as fight on and try to colonize the moon. There moon is divided into, I think, about four territories. There’s cards in the game that really spice things up too.

Sean likes games that involve making economic decisions. I love such games too! :stuck_out_tongue:

I had forgotten I started this thread. At some point we stopped playing it because the guy who owns the game got burned out. I really miss it though.

Yeah, even with the 5 round limit, Risk 2210 (you’ve got the name right) can be an interminably long play. That’s probably due to all the extra components–water territories, lunar territories, commanders, space stations, energy points, and command cards, etc. It’s still a blast, but I’m almost exhausted by the end of it and just want to go to sleep.

To the Risk players, while I love most boardgames, I am not a big fan of the Risk games, except, Risk Godstorm. Have any of you played it? I thought the general mechanics were similar to the other Risk games, I like some of the variants that are in that version.

As for Catan, I have a bunch of the games. Settlers of Catan, Cities and Knights, Starfarers of Catan, Starship Catan, Settlers of the Stone Age and a couple more that I can’t remember at the moment. I love board games, obviously including the Catan games. :slight_smile: I picked up Ticket to Ride for the PC last month and have played that quite a few times, but I play real boardgames most weekends with some friends. With the holidays just past we’ve played a few new games, including Vineta. Anyone else play other board games or tried this one?

I’ve been cooking up a storm all afternoon since we have friends coming over for dinner. I made some extra good stuff, since these friends happen to own and will be bringing Settlers of Catan with them! (These are the same people who introduced me to Zombie and Monty Python Fluxx. Have to make the good soup for them!)

WTF?! Seriously?


Normally I would be jumping in and suggesting that everyone should try to plan a trip to the Origins game Fair that is held evey year in Columbus Ohio.

Much gaming going on, movies made fun of, and it would be great to have a GWC meet up there.
Unfortunately for me, this will be the first time in many years that I will not be able to go because of family problems and my personnal economic situation.

I hope to see some of you there in coming years though.

<_< Would anybody be interested in playing over Xbox Live sometime? It’s vanilla Catan but it’s pretty coo’

My friends, husband, and I played the regular Catan board game, and I am hopelessly addicted. I need to figure out how to play on the PC sometime, so I can get a fix. lol.

It is a very fun game, and quick to learn. I was a little nervous, since people have equated it to RISK, and I am TERRIBLE at that game…but it was a lot more like Monopoly.

Fun times!

Anyone played the Cities and Knights expansion? My family got together with another and we played this Sunday. It took a couple hours to get through the instructions and get going, but after we figured it all out I found it to be much more fun than regular Cattan. Adds a higher level of difficulty and opens up the game for more strategies.

To feed my growing addiction to Catan, I took a trip around the net to find a free online version of Catan. I’ve been really happy playing at . They call it Xplorers, and they have loads of unique maps, as well as all expansions represented. There are some ridiculously good players over on the C&K ranked games. I’ve found the play to go rather quickly, as well.

If anyone wants to play, send me a pm. :slight_smile:

I’ve been known to play Catan on Xbox from time to time. It is pretty vanilla. The 3-D board would be cooler if it was easier to read the numbers off the hexes!

But I digress, I’ve been busy lately and not around much but please feel free to keep me in mind if you’re itching for a game.

Well, here’s the wiki site :

There’s a mention of the fall of Rome version and a Viking one! They sounds interesting!

And here’s the official Catan site :

The tutorials for the complete product line is pretty handy :

ooo, here’s a hot tip I betcha didn’t know :

Going along with the online tutorial, it seems like a game of Catan can be over
and done with in 35 minutes thereabouts?

Notwithstanding the hassling involved in trading cards with one another.

Here’s an easter egg provided at the end of the online tutorial :

holy frak! The Starship Catan looks like a Colonial Raptor!

And just for Audra : here’s an article about using Catan as a teaching tool!

I used to work in a game store about 10 years ago and we played a lot of Catan back then, I like the game just haven’t played in a while.

Been playin a lot of Sorry with my 5 year old. But he is also getting pretty good at checkers and jacks. I had forgotten how fun jacks really is.

We play a game called ‘set’. fantastic game.

Also still play Quarto! one of my all time fav’s

Is this one of the download games? I FINALLY gave in and picked up a Xbox 360, but I was sucked into the world of Fable 2 and am just now peeking at the other games I bought.

Yeah it’s an Xbox Live Arcade game. I think it’s around 600 points +/- 200