linksys is good, it’s the little brother of Cisco so is quite relaible.
Most of these router will NAT automatically, so you just plug the phone/broadband line in and off you go.
a wired/wireless router is fairly standard, you should limit the IP addresses you hand out to the number of devices you have plus maybe one or two for guests.
In terms of wireless aspects, it varies form router to router but most of them have an easy step by step set up wizard which will guide you thourgh the whole thing.
couple of tips
- shroud your SSID so others randomly searching cannot easily find it by just looking, once you know it that’s all that matters.
- usa WPA/TKIP security so that it’s hard to break, when you set the password make it at least 12-14 characters long, a schema i use is a word, a character (such as @ or % or &) another word and a number on the end. use upper and lower case in combination with this should make it harder to crack, not impossible, but difficult enough to discourage the average drive by hacker.
- proximity: place your router near both the phone line and the devices you’ll be connecting it in to, that way you’re not running cables everywhere, unless the devices are connecting wirelessly in which case you’re fine.
That’s all i can suggest right now until you get a specific combined wired/wireless ADSL device or I know more about you broadband configuration. if you’d rather not discuss such details in an open text searchable by google forum then pm me and I’ll do what I can for you.
Kind Regards,
on the “I have set this up myself in assorted configs so have some experience to bring to the area, hence my long rambling post” ID