Serenity 5/23 @ 10 PM ET

Actually, I remember her from Xena & Cleopatra 2525, long before Alias.

That commercial is downright unsettling. :eek:

generally people don’t have a problem with someone who looks like Gina taking them upstairs and asking them to take their clothes off. too bad about the getting devoured in the not-fun way

They were all smiling. They seemed to be having fun.

Great timing Simon!

I’m sure all the concussed people on the floor would disagree.

we need a sarcasm font =/

“Don’t say it!”
“It only works on her, Jayne.” :smiley:

Kaylee doesn’t know what a safe word is? I find that hard to believe. :wink:

Nate’s looking pretty rugged and not author-living-the-high-life himself in this movie :smiley:

You don’t need a safe word when you can just take the batteries out. :stuck_out_tongue:

“It’s of interest to me, how much you know about that world.”

It’s of interest to everyone. :slight_smile:

Jayne’s not the only one looking ripped. :stuck_out_tongue:

Holy moly Nathan has a nice bum

LOL I love the spectator show

“Did you see us fight?”


“It’s a trap”

“You can’t make me angry.”
“Please, spend an hour with him.” :smiley:

Mal appears to be a little outclassed here

And that’s why you always aim for the head. :rolleyes:

I love Inara!