Serenity 5/23 @ 10 PM ET

Sure would be nice to have some grenades!!" - for ONCE Jayne is right

This is a seriously awesome action sequence

Those kinds of G-forces, with no protective gear or even seatbelts?

Pink smears. :eek:

I’d be okay with my most everything looking like Gina’s

“Hello?” … poor Wash. LOL

You and me both!

Hell, the Star Trek bridge crew NEVAH needed seat belts.

Isn’t she wonderful? She’s just… great, right?

We loved her first!

You watched Alias too??

They had inertial dampeners. I doubt “the mule” did.

were there no seatbelts in the Captain’s Dunebuggy in Nemesis :smiley:

Nope. Not even once.

well, we did until the maggots :eek:

I love love Kaylee spends 5 minutes taking apart that gizmo for some tiny little part inside.

Jayne looks ripped in this movie. :groucho:

Then no you didn’t :wink:

Noticed that too, did you?

And the whole eating people bit.

Well, the maggots are worse than that, IMO. :stuck_out_tongue:

“…I ain’t had nothin’ twixt my nethers that ain’t run on batteries!” :eek:

And Kaylee stabs right to the heart