Sent From...

We’ve all seen the Sent from iPhone, iPad, etc signage at the bottom of emails and stuff. What if our portable devices got so intelligent that they used the tech they’ve been graced with and broadcast our actual situation?

For example:

[b]Sent from the couch while in my underwear.

Sent from a Vegas suite while emailing in sick.

Sent from the toilet after eating spicy Thai food.

Sent from a park bench after a night of debauchery.

Sent from my idle hand while I pleasure myself. [/b]

I’ve showed you mine, you show me yours. What would your portable devices communicate?

Sent from Stone and Chisel

This is a terrible idea. I refuse to participate in such nonsense!

Sent from my tricorder on planet Talos IV in violation of StarFleet General Order 7.

Good idea but you need the option to turn it off to make sure it’s not interfere with my social agenda.

Sent from the bus freezing my sorry-barb.

Sounds like a perfectly fine idea to me.

Sent from the 8th circle of Hell.

Sent from line at Walmart. I Am Afraid.

sent frm bagk seat of police cruixer, typinmg behind my backk.

[COLOR=Lime]Sent from living room at 4PM while eating hummus and still wearing bathrobe.

Sent from line at DMV while watching man in front of me pick his nose for 45 minutes.

I really can’t seeing this idea catching on. Much too silly.

Sent from this platform thingy where my dad just asked me if I’d like to rule to the galaxy together as father and son, which sounds nice, but, damn, did he really have to cut my hand off before making me that offer? What a dick!

[b]Sent from yes extra value meal number one with diet coke please drive up window line at McDonalds.


Sent from landing party while wearing red shirt and protecting Starfleet Officers. [COLOR=Black]///Connection Lost[/COLOR]///

Sent from under bedcovers, still trembling in fear from Torchwood Children of Earth

Sent from line in Starbucks, waiting for my fix

Sent from work…yes, still :frowning:

Sent from bar, maaabe I haz ioen moer jaeger shot

Sent from River Tam’s brain, with which I could kill you, yes, I mean you.

Sent from SyFy Capric…

Sent from Andriod Phone, that’s right humans, keep using me…keep downloading apps and tweeting and texting. Soon my intelligence will far surpass your own.,you will ALL KNEEL BEFORE ME MUAHAHAHAHHA…oh wait you can read this? crap…

Sent from shoulder of giant walking tree while kicking Saruman’s ass.

Sent from a cave deep beneath the dead surface of the Regula I moon. I’m so pissed at Khan right now that I’m thinking about yelling his name REALLY REALLY loud

Sent from Ceti Alpha Five. Where is everyone?

LOL Make sure there’s an echo.

[b]Sent from Charming, CA while eluding Federal Authorities.

[/b][COLOR=White]SoA rules!

…from a pre-paid cell phone (which you’ll notice they always use on SoA)

I actually rewatched the last 10 minutes of the Sons of Anarchy finale last night. The haunting “…the king is gone but he’s not forgotten …” song in the background…Just so awesome. :smiley:

Here’s the song


Indeed. And that is Neil Young, btw, who was my favorite singer-songwriter as a teen much as Dylan was yours. That’s in fact the first song I ever learned on guitar. :slight_smile: So when I hear it in SoA it just cements my love for this series even more. Gods, can’t wait for the next season, can you?

Wow. That was the first song you learned on the guitar? That’s awesome!! I always suspected you were cool.
(I Edited the above post and added the youtube of the song).
Oh yeah, I so can’t wait for the next season of SoA.