Remember those weird Firefly lingo? How Inara and young Simon would send people waves? Well, soon we will be sending each other waves… Google Waves that is…
i have just gotten my wave account… anyone else has google wave account and want to test it out?
sorry no account but i had heard that they called them wav’s because of and inspired by firefly
found this on the wiki page
During the developer preview, a number of references were made to the series such as Lars Rasmussen replying to a message with “shiny”, a word commonly used in the series to mean cool or good, and the crash message of Wave being a popular quotation from the series: “Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!”[2][22] Another common error message, “Everything’s shiny, Cap’n. Not to fret!” is a quote from Kaylee Frye in the 2005 motion-picture Firefly continuation, Serenity, and it is matched with a sign declaring that “This wave is experiencing some turbulence and might explode. If you don’t want to explode…” which is another reference to the opening of the film.
In the document that introduces how to use Wave from google
there is a mockup diagram of how people using accounts hosted by different wave servers will still be able to share all the functionality with each other.
talk about firefly references…
i really like how it can interact with blogs at the same time. pretty amazing thing that can change the way we use emails.
Short video for wave.
I am wondering if i can invite people like when gmail first started…
just realized that i am not privileged to invite people… how sad…
Hrm. I gave up on it after about a month. May have to revisit it.
having people there greatly increases the fun.
Also, there are a lot of gadgets and robots that currently requires a bit of googling to find.
List of Robots and Gadgets
if you are not using developer sandbox version of google wave like me, you won’t be able to use robots from, but most of those have equivalents.
if you have a blog on Blogger, Bloggy is incredible. Just add the robot to your contacts with this address:
Twitty is another useful robot that lets to send/receive tweet and reply with in google wave:
There are some fun but perhaps not that useful robots, such as robots that turns every characters upside down. Robots that insults you… things like that.
This is a great short vid that demonstrate 15 simple tricks to do on google wave, includes instant translation.