Eponymous means something is named after someone (or something else). A double entendre is a word or phrase that could have another meaning, usually (but not always) something dirty. See IYKWIM.
[li]a segue and a jumping off point[/li]
A segue is a transition between different topics by means an intermediate concept somehow related to both. A jumping-off point is a good beginning.
[li]wall street companies that are doling out obscene bonuses to its’ staff vis-a-vis wall street companies that are cutting bonuese but increasing basic pay[/ul][/li]
Bonuses are never guaranteed. You might make more money as a general rule, but if the bonuses are rescinded for some reason, that pay increase disappears. Basic pay increases may represent lower income year-by-year, but they’re more or less a certainty, as opposed to relying on a bonus that may never come.