Season 2, Episode 12: Bad Eggs

Bad eggs or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love redneck vampires.


Tector: How come Angelus is gettin’ all cuddly with her lyle? (Buffy) I mean does the man have no code?

Buffy: Parenting’s a pain
Joyce: Wait till it stars dating.

Xander: You gotta take care of the egg. It’s a baby. You gotta keep it safe and teach it Christian values.
Willow: My egg is Jewish.
Xander: Then teach it that dreidel song.

Buffy; Okay soliloquy girl. I just wanted to ask you about your egg.

Xander: Can I just say Gyeurgh
Buffy: I see your Gyeurgh and raise you a nyargh.

Willow: Did I really hit you?
Xander: You knocked me out.
Cordy: Did I hit you?
Xander: Yes. Everyone hit me.
Cordy: Good. Well, I don’t mean good because I hit you, but, I didn’t wanna be left out.

body snatcher-ish thoughts

Joyce gets 7 demerits; Buffy should be allowed to dress as she pleases street walkerish or not.

Ladies and gentlemen i present to you… Lyle and Tector Gorch; Red neck white trash vampires, esquire.

See eggs are evil, thats why we must scramble, fry and boil them. To make sure those evil little bastards stay dead before they rise up and enslave us all.

Loved the bug ripping out the teddy-bears eyes. (This is the only show where you could say that and not be insane)

Jonathan gets attacked by demon with fun neuro-clamping action, yet lives. Dudes made of Kevlar in the Buffy Universe.

Love how Lyle and Tector are really brothers, get on each others nerves, fight and cuss at each other. but someone else messes with your brothers and oh it is on.

Anytime Buffy kills something with Pick axe. and comes up out of the abyss covered in Pre-historic parasite blood. my love for this show only grows.

Its a good episode. Just your standard, school projects, add a dash of invasion of the body snatchers and just sprinkling of low rent vampire. The subtext of the undoing of Buffy and Angel starts here. Lyle Gorch was very well done. another strong episode from a strong season.

Hey. I talked all kinds of s*t about how I’d be down for a Buffy watch, and totally failed to follow thru. Hey, it’s been a hectic year since school started for the little ones, and about a zillion other factors. I’m gonna try to start rolling with the Buffy re-watch, season 2, ep. 13.