Season 2 episode 10 What’s my line part two.

What’s my line part two, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the E-Flat Diminished ninth.


Willy: What are you gonna do with him anyway?
Spike: I’m thinking… dinner and a movie. Don’t want to rush into anything. I’ve been hut you know.

Willy: You know, art photographs, but naked.

Spike Aren’t you a; throw himself to the lions sort of sap these days? Well the lions are on to you baby.

Buffy you’re not listening. he could die
Kendra: He’s a vampire he should die

Spike right then. now we just let them come to a simmering boil. then remove to a low flame.

Spike: yeah it bugs me too seeing‘em like that. Another five minutes, though and Angel will be dead, So I forbear. Don’t feel too bad for angel. He’sgot something you don’t have
Buffy: Whats that?
Spike five minutes.

Willy: in a way this wasn’t my fault
Spike: They tricked you.
Willy: Mm-hm they were duplicitous.
Spike: Then i’ll only kill you once.

death by organ Thoughts

Why is Giles mad a Buffy for dying seriously he gets 18 demerits

Buffy gonna be kissing lots of Vampires soon enough

dinkiest little lock keeping angel in the cage really this dudes got super strength.

How does turning yourself into bugs in any way help in fight basically you just become easily squishable.

Willy gets 13 credits for even after being beaten by the two slayers, to try to get them to take off there clothes and photograph them… wait that kind gumption deserves 15 credits.

Xander and Cordy kiss I’m trying to care, trying to care… nope I just can’t get there (meh)

Xander using the bug man as an excuse to give Cordy a wet T-Shirt. he gets 8 credits.

Xander loves bugs and bugs love Xander kind of like me and the guy who owns the liquor store.

Xander gets another 2 credits for sticking up for Angel even though they don’t really like each other

Every-time Drusilla is torturing someone a good time is had by all. Its all crazy, evil and sexy. I know, i know i’ll go talk to some mental heath professionals. after I’m done here.

nice to see the whole gang fighting together. love when willow jumps on the back of a baddie during a fight.

When spike says “i’d rather be fighting you anyways. and Buffy answers mutual. I’m just thinking to myself well the word there looking for does start with an F.

My brain kind of works like OZ’s and scares the living crickets out of me. one day i’ll tell you all the story of the great Pensacola kitten massacre of 1945.

okay so i didn’t remember this episode being so good. Great to see Evil Spike the character changed so much that, just to see him as the pure villain was fun in a lot of ways. I like what Kendra brought to table showing the gift that being the slayer is when with Buffy we usually only get its burden. its a great two parter. kind of like a little Buffy movie

on another note i will not be watching or reviewing episode 11 Ted there are two episodes i refuse to watch again and Ted is one of them. not because its bad. its just something personal. So i’ll just skip ahead to bad eggs

Ok I have to ask; I am watching Buffy for the 1st time, what is your reason for not wanting to rewatch Ted?

I have no idea before watching it that John Ritter was a guest star, that is kind of bittersweet, RIP.

hmm… I am halfway through the Ted episode. I can totally understand why someone would not want to watch it.