SciFi Periodic Table

This covers a LOT of scifi but I thought I’d put it in the Star Trek thread because they’re the first “elements”. Enjoy!

Verily, TOS is the Hydrogen of SciFi.

Shouldn’t 2001 be the first element? And, why is Tom Hanks under 3001?

I do like how Battle Angel Alita gets a shout out. And, V just stands by itself. Excellent.

My favorite on there is 91, which just says “V”. :smiley:

Shouldn’t 2001 be the first element? And, why is Tom Hanks under 3001?

There were rumors that Tom Hanks wants to be involved with a possible 2061 or 3001 movie.

Am I blind or did it really have a slot for Dark Angel but not Farscape? :mad:

How the craaap?!?

I think those are what you call “unstable compounds”. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think a flow chart would be more practical when it comes to SciFi, besides… This does not even include literature, and literature came before media (TV, Movies, Internet, comics, webcomics, etc.).