Sci-Fi Author Iain M. Banks Announces he has less than a year to live

My Favorite author for over 23 years…
Read the article this morning, I am gonna be bummed out for the rest of the day, buy to cheer myself up I’m gonna re-read The Hydrogen Sonata on the kindle.

Thank you Iain for all the memories and great stories.

This is terrible! Always awful to see an artist you admire in this state. I haven’t ever actually gotten to reading Banks, though there are several works on my to-read list. What should I start with?

Well I would suggest going in the order published for the Culture Novels.

Consider Phlebas
The Player of Games
The State of the Art (3 short stories)
Use of Weapons
Look to Windward
Surface Detail
The Hydrogen Sonata

Non-Culture Sci fi:
Against a Dark Background
Feersum Endjinn
The Algebraist (Fav!)

Fearsum E

Non Sci-Fi: My favorite is Dead Air.

Couple of his movies, BBC TV. The Crow Road.
Complicity, retitled Retribution for the US DVD release.
