Say 'Buh Bye' to the Daleks

Stephen Moffat to retire the Daleks after 48 years. Hope they were smart with their retirement accounts.

All hail the Moff! About freaking time.

I think this is a good idea. It will give them the opportunity to explore fresh ubervillains. The Daleks are great but they get stale fast since they have a pretty limited toolkit.

I still remember the shiver I got when I saw that one of the Eccleston episodes was named “Dalek.” I was so excited that we’d see the Doctor’s enemy again.

by the end of the that season, though, I was sick of 'em.

Don’t retire them. Just don’t bring them out so much. I wouldn’t mind a (good) Dalek episode every couple seasons.

(EDIT) And he’s doing just that. “Rest” <> “Retire”

They’ll be back. Just not right away. I’d by series 2 of the next doctor after Matt. When they are scary they can be quite intimidating. There are times past when they were just awful. It’s all in how you play it. This is far from the last we will see of them. Besides they have to build up the cybermen more. Right now as has been shown it’s not a fair fight between them and the Daleks.

Oh, yes. Actually, “Dalek” was probably the only Dalek-centric episode that I really liked from the new series. It was also one of the few that was actually about the Daleks (as opposed to just some generic baddie because the writers needed to have a big bad for an episode, basically all the finales during the RTD years), and in addition, this one Dalek in particular.

And, looking back on S5, the Dalek centric episode was one of the weakest if not the weakest of the season, so I’m all for Moffat exploring other old favorites and inventing new aliens and monsters and giving Daleks a rest.

And how awesome will it be in three years when some villain is revealed to be the Daleks?

This is a great idea. I still remember how cool it was when we first saw the Daleks (I knew nothing about classic Dr. Who beforehand) and how freaky it was to see the Doctor get genuinely terrified of something. And the rest of the episode made the Daleks seem even cooler, it was hard as hell to take down even one of the buggers. Then we had that wonderfully poignant ending, ‘I won the Time War’ and all that.

But with every time they come back and get swatted away they get less and less cool. Its getting kind of hard to imagine then giving the Time Lords any trouble at this point.

Also, obligatory Go Go Dalek Rangers!!

Giving them a rest and retiring them are two different things. I, too, look forward to seeing them again one day in the two-part 2015 cliffhanger, “Doctor Dalek”. :groucho:

Haha. “Doctor Dalek” love it.

I think it’s a good idea, love the Dalek’s but agree that they’ve lost the original ‘omg that’s a scary thing’ after they came out looking like kitchen appliances (no offense, I don’t want to be EXTERMINATED). Let’s see some other new scary monsters. I’m still trying to remember what the first two episodes might have been about…

Don’t even blink…