Savannah vs Hera - discuss similarities & differences


i was listening to this other podcast, Skynext, which focuses strictly on the Terminator franchise, and, in particular, The Sarah Connor Chronicles (T:SCC)… as the series of 'casts approach the series finale, some similarities between T:SCC and BSG struck me ;

  • both series featured a girl/child who was under the foster care of the enemy (i.e. Savannah & Katherine Weaver & Hera and Boomer)

  • Savannah & Hera both represented the unforeseen future

  • Kate Weaver & Boomer were evil robots who look human.

  • the humans in both stories were trying to get to the girl/child

anyone else care to discuss the uncanny similarities? :cool:

Not to mention that both were mechanical 'bots that rebeled and tried to kill all of humanity, only to try later to look like humans. oh and both came pretty close to stomping out humanity.