Sanctuary 2x06 Fragments

Friday, 13 November 2009
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

You know, all that blood on your phone is going to void the warranty. :smiley:

It is on line 789. You should always read the fine print.

Bad costume… Thunderscreech can do better.

I saw last week’s episode the other night. It was really good.

I am sleepy as always. So goodnight if I fade away.

Hey! It’s Major Whatsisname from SG-1! :slight_smile:

They skimped on the costume for laser effects.

The Road looks interesting.

For he is Viggo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him! :smiley:

SG-1 dbag dude.

Kinda reminds me of a Narn.

Damn! Henry is ripped. :eek:

And, he’s still a dbag.

I don’t know about this episode, I’m finding myself getting very distracted by everything else in my room.

I’m not going to watch 2012 though.

Me too. Too much emphasis on the C-team that we don’t care about.

Have we ever even seen these people before?

I’m not going to watch 2012 though.

Doesn’t matter. Cthulhu will eat you anyway. :smiley:

The costume is really taking me out of the episode.

Would have been better in a darker environment, methinks.

Yay! Pointless splitscreen!

WTF were they thinking with that?

Dun dun dun!

I don’t get the uproar. I’m fine with them. Makes the series unique or gives it its own flavor.