Sanctuary 2x02 End of Nights, Part 2

Friday, 16 October 2009
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

Am I the first one here?

Holy craaap! What kind of mutant did her hair? :eek:

I feel like we get beamed over to the new thread. :wink:

You’re right about the hair!

I may have to quit the party. I am falling asleep. I will try to hang on. ZZZZzzz oh back.

Am munching on candy corn mixed with dry roasted peanuts- so good!

Isn’t that Cracker Jacks?

No popcorn or prizes in my version.

Ruh-roh. Bye-bye Tokyo. :frowning:

Candy corn as the orange triangle shape candy?

Dunno why, but Sanctuary still seems better than other shows so far this season and this is only the 2nd episode.

Oh, you meant the candy kind of candy corn. blech

They left out the scene of the Japanese running away from Ashley a la Godzilla.

Those E-Trade ads are great.

I am giving in to sleep. Good night all. Have a wonderful weekend.

Holy Medusa, Batman!

Japanese Medusa? Awesome. :cool:

Yeah, that was cool.

You can really tell they use a blue screen tonight.