Sam's blood ties

I totally missed this point when I initially watched Caprica (I actually didn’t catch it until Ron Moore pointed it out in the commentary), but apparently Sam is Joseph’s brother. Am I incredibly dense, or did they not make that very clear?

Think Sam called him “brother” once or twice…but it sounded like the colloquial…so yeah…didnt make it too obvious

Yeah, my dad pointed that out after he watched the pilot, and mentioned that those comments just fit in with the whole “Tauron mafia” feel.

I figured it out only after he talked about his brother, cause he was spending a lot of time with that character, so just put two and two together.

Dont feel dumb about it, they didnt make it that obvious.

No, i didn’t catch it until I just read this thread… then I went to IMBD to confirm it, which lists him as “Sam Adama”… and No, I don’t think they made that very clear.

I figured that he was related to the guy somehow, especially with grandma talking about her level of home town(planet in this case) pride (ala Brotherhood on Showtime).

I am curious though; what’s with the killing the dude with his shirt off? What ifa chest hair falls out and leaves DNA, plus it seemed a bit weird. I kept waiting for No More Horses to start playing.

Well, y’know, it’s all symbolic and stuff… :stuck_out_tongue:

The man seemed pretty smooth :stuck_out_tongue:
And if he did get caught, just have good ol lawyer brother to get him off.
Did you see in that brief court scene, he gave the judge just a look and she was all bending for him.

I’m guessing that the tattoos indentify the assassin (Sam), his clan, his “chieftain”, etc, to the one who is shortly to be dispatched.

I don’t think Joseph and Sam are related, but fellow countrymen (or would that be fellow planet-men ?)

Well, they’re certainly both from Tauron. Once you look/listen for it, though, there seems to be plenty of definitive evidence that they are indeed brothers (e.g. comments made in the commentary & the character’s surname).

the look that Joe gave the judge was to indicate that the payoff had happened. they mentioned something to that effect upon leaving the courthouse. Joe Adams (Adama)is not a very straight laced kind of guy.

The3, you are so right.
I went back and re-watched Caprica, plus the commentary, and you’re right RDM says, “…Joseph and his brother Sam”. Wow that adds more depth to the scenes between them. I wonder who’s suppose to be older?