Run For Your Lives; May, 2013

I and a friend of mine who completed a previous Run For Your Lives event last May are planning on doing another one this May. Last year when I talked about it after the fact it seemed to generate some interest so I wanted to invite any interested parties to come join us! This one is in Columbus, Ohio on May 25, bright and early. If there’s enough interest maybe I’ll consider doing group t-shirts or we can coordinate costumes.

My wife and I are looking at competing in the race this summer in minnesota

Hey! I recently moved to Minneapolis! How close are you to the city? I’m planning on running in the one that’s in CT, but if there’s a GWC contingent running here too, I’d consider going twice.

My wife and I are about 2 hours from the cities, there is a GWC group down there?

Well obviously this is late but the date has come and gone so I’m closing this out.