RPG Game Creation

Hey all,
So I have a j-o-b as a Computer Programmer / IT consultant / general-purpose-techy. Usually developing Windows & web based databases systems.
Ever since starting the path of computer programming about 12 years ago, I’ve always dreamed of making a really cool game. And while I’ve made a few attempts over the years, there have always been issues, not the right ideas, the techincal-resources, the technical-knowledge, the means (to create the graphics and everything involved) or the time. Or always getting frustrated because anything I would have the capability to make would seem so “poor” or “old” nobody would want to play them. I’d end up trying to create an “NES” quality game when people are playing their PS 2s and XBox’es. And any “good” game is created by large teams of developers, which I’d be just a hobbiest, so would get bummed and give up.

However, recently I discovered something from Microsoft called “XNA Game Studio”. It is an extension for the Microsoft .NET Framework and Visual Studio and is an object wrapper for the Direct X API.
For those who speak less tech-geek, it’s “3D Game programming made super easy”. And games created on this platform can be made to run on either Windows PC or XBox 360!!! The Games can even be sold and downloaded via the XBox Live Marketplace! Thus my new endeavor for super geekdom has begun.

I’ve already planned most of what the game is going to be, how it will work. But I’m also still in the early planning stages, and very early development stages. Once I have a decent write-up of what all I plan to involve in it, I’ll have to post it somewhere, because this is where the most creative and coolest people I know lurk :smiley:

Or if there’s anybody out there with interest in RPG Game creation/programming, 2D imaging, 3D modeling, or sound editing, and would like to maybe help out with such a project, I’d love to hear from ya.

(So if anybody’s still reading or interested in my ramblings…)
Here’s the main part of my idea that I think will make it awesome… (which until recently I wouldn’t have been able to do, but I’ve learned so much in the last couple years, I think it’s time!)

The game itself will play in an quad-based 3D Isometric view, with 2D sprite over-lays. Very similiar to the play style of Final Fantasy: Tactics (Screenshot here)
However, I’m actually intending to create 2 parts. The regular game engine to play the game (on PC or XBox 360), and then also a World Editor (PC only). The Editor part allows somebody with virtually no technical knowledge to create an entire new “World” for play in the game with simple point-and-click interface, no real ‘programming’ knowledge needed. The style of play, rules of combat, all that remains the same, but the rest is completely customizable and unique for that World. Designers can customize everything from Graphics, Sounds, Abilities, Story, Spells, Monsters, Quests, Maps, etc. And they can even create Scripts that are tied to all their content to make things really unique. Scripts will enable creation of nearly anything for example…

  • Walls that can be crushed to reveal hidden treasure
  • “Platform pushing” puzzles to reach secret areas (actually intend to make lots of “Puzzle” aspects via the scripts)
  • Floor tiles with spring traps
  • Spells that create boon effects to heal friendly units within their radius
  • Boss monsters that upon defeat offer to help the player via a Summon spell, or may be left in their dungeon to regenerate it over time to a stronger level
    And once a new “World” is created, it can all be bundled up in the Editor, and sent to other people’s PC or XBox’s and played.

So if you’re still reading, thank you for your interest :D, and as more gets made and put in place, I’ll get more details out for anybody to throw ideas/suggestions they’d possibly like to see in it too.

Nick: Great stuff! I’m an old-school developer, but ended up project managing more than coding by the time XNA Studio hit the streets. Sounds like a lot of fun!

If GWC can be of any help, just let me know – feel free to drop me a line. We’d love to see your project pan out!

It’s funny, I am starting to believe that “old IT guys never die, they just turn into project managers…”

I did some form of end user support (analyst, lead, manager) for 15+ years, and now I do a specialized PM/Implementation role. I wonder if it has to do with YEARS of projects gone horribly wrong or completely mis-directed, you finally just step up and say, “I can do better”.

I completely admire anyone who can make code work. I tried, alas, but couldn’t work the magic. So I ended up as a Geography major instead. But here is the cool thing… I ended up in IT anyway… Working it from the people side instead of the code side.