Rodney McKay sighting on episode 514!

Note : this is a continuation from “Grace Park sighting on episode 513

following my first foray into season 5… and… holy frak! Rodney McKay’s first appearance on the show!!!

He looks obviously younger…and slimmer! omgosh! Think, Nathan Fillion in his 20’s with blond hair! (omg! he has hair!)

Younger, slimmer, and way more of a dick.
Still love him though. His second appearance (in SG1) was definitly the one that made him a fan favorite.

Yes he definitely was the second part of that when he was introduced. From what we have seen in SGA though. He may have been somewhat justified. (Only one truly on par with him was Carter. Which drove him even more nuts)

I’d say that his sister is on par with him too (after all, she solved a problem he’d been working on for a year with her kid’s fingerpaint). She just had other priorities.

I always got the impression that there were other people on par with McKay, like Zelenka but for McKay it just came more naturally and easily.

Yes quite true. Zelenka was just as smart but Rodney was always a step ahead. Though his character did like to knock Rodney whenever he could.:smiley:

Though his character did like to knock Rodney whenever he could.

Who wouldn’t?

I’d like to think Zelenka kept him real …and stayed out of the limelight for Rodney’s sake… Doesn’t everyone have a different best friend for different social situations?

Methinks Rod & Z were best buds in the lab dept. :cool:

I agree. They complimented each other. Both were bright on their own but together they were a level above.

Zelenka is that best bud who doesn’t mind being the force behind. He’d gladly give the limelight to Rodney. And Rodney would revel in it. But in the end he would say to Zelenka “You belonged there to.”

Look at it this way you need a front man and a person that does the behind the scenes work. Like when Apple first got started. Jobs was the front man with the talk and Vision (Early Reality Distortion Field). Wozniack was the person who made it work. And was happy with it.

McKay is by far one of my favorite (if not indeed the true favorite) Stargate characters. He reminds me a lot of myself, believe it or not. Although, I can hold my composure MUCH better than he can when dealing with people far less intelligent…

With Rodney, his character was meant to be abrasive and non caring. Once they realized they could use him. They made corrections to his character to make him more acceptable to the audience. That’s when we see episodes where in the old and young Weirs. His former self sacrifices himself. To buy them time to escape. It’s those times that make people invest in him.

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