Rise of the Spambots

Here’s everything I know about the picture: It’s one of the 1st pictures I came across when I googled “Kung Fu Matrix”. :stuck_out_tongue: That’s all I know, I’m embarrassed to say.

Banning these frakking spambots is becoming a full time job. Thanks again to everyone who continues to report them.

Yeah, what’s up with that all of the sudden? Do we know why we are suddenly being inundated? I can’t remember, does our member sign-up have something that prevents spambots from getting through? (I guess the answer is no.) Maybe we should consider putting something in our member registration to weed the spambots out–basically do some work now to prevent the ongoing work of deleting all these posts.

Thanks for all that you and the other moderators do, Solai! It is much appreciated!

as noted in my sig, Solai continues to rock. Pike too, with the moderator mojo

Yes, I noticed that this last weekend was bad. I did however see some great deals posted and got the hook-up. If any of my Homies out there need a little pick-me-up give me a shout. :smiley:

Mad props to my brothers out in admin land. Don’t you guys ever sleep? :wink:

Maybe there is a simple way to institute a captcha at registration (if not already) and at login?

I can’t help it anymore, it is driving me nuts (no pun intended). Every time I see Lady D’s signature I see the words: Shiny!, Solai Rocks and now Pike (hello, mojo) and my mind starts racing with the possibilities to gutterize it. I’m sorry, I am a BAD, BAD man but I mean come on! :smiley:

Sleep? Wha?

I have been doing some research and have started talking to Chuck about a possible upgrade to the forum. I have just started learning about captcha, but there are other free options in newer versions of the forum that will enable better verification, primarily through Q&A.

In the meantime my fellow Spambot Hunters, stay vigilant.

Just a heads up, Solai. I’ve been making some preparations to deal with SpamBots if they do make through to us down here in Zion:

There are many captcha solutions that are very easy to integrate into any php code base. I don’t know vBulletin very well, but it can’t be that hard. My favourite? reCaptcha. It’s simple, and it’s for a good cause!

And I hope the possible upgrades y’all are discussing do not include abandoning vBulletin to jump to something else. I totally think vBulletin sucks ass, but we are all used to it. Let’s avoid disruptive changes in end user experiences.

The more I read about it the more sense it makes.

Agreed. The upgrades are to the vBulletin system itself…no jumping ship!

I think it’s a great idea–I can’t believe someone thought of that!

Thot, you are SUCH the boy scout! “Always be over-prepared.” That’s your motto! :wink:

But if I had one of those, I’d start spamming us just to be able to use it more often.

That’s reason in that picture that I’m walking around with a clipboard. I keep careful count, so don’t you try to steal one.:smiley:

I just realized…

…don’t tell Sean.

Huzzah! There’s one advantage to being up late sick–I get to join the Spambot Hunting!

Many props to Solai and Pike, and here’s hoping you get some sleep soon.

Sean tried to steal one yesterday.
I caught him red handed and said:
“Kid! What the hell are you doing! Those things aren’t toys! They are instruments of war! Do you think the SpamBot attack is some kind of game?!!”

And then he mumbled and whined something in a whiny LeeAdama/LukeSkywalker-y whine.

I took pity on him. So I gave a hard intimidating stare, looked him over.
Then I threw my cigar on the ground and crushed it with my boot.
And I said “Okay, Kid. I’ll give you a chance. You’ll start out as a loader and we’ll see how you do.
Now, please…stop kissing my shoe and go report to the Duty Sargent.”

FYI, all, Solai and I are totally working on a way to cut down on the spam. Hopefully in the next week we’ll be able to implement some of it, but in the meantime I really appreciate all your help and patience. You guys rock!

Spam? What spam? Where?

PS It’s called luncheon meat over here. Ask the British; they came up with the name ;p

That sounds about right.

“I say, Horace. My Electronic Epistles are positively clogged with Luncheon Meat!”